Tweaked the web scraper github repo (above) to scrape 1100 job postings from With each job, we got the following:
*Job title *Salary Estimate *Job Description *Rating *Company *Company Size *Company Founded Date *Type of Ownership *Industry *Sector *Revenue
Data Cleaning
After scraping the data, I needed to clean it up so that it was usable for our model. I made the following changes and created the following variables:
*Parsed numeric data out of salary
*Made columns for employer provided salary and hourly wages
*Removed rows without salary
*Parsed rating out of company text
*Made a new column for company state
*Added a column for if the job was at the company’s headquarters
*Transformed founded date into age of company
*Made columns for if different skills were listed in the job description:
*Column for simplified job title and Seniority
*Column for description length
I looked at the distributions of the data and the value counts for the various categorical variables. Below are a few highlights from the pivot tables.
Model Building
First, I transformed the categorical variables into dummy variables. I also split the data into train and tests sets with a test size of 30%.
I tried three different models and evaluated them using Mean Absolute Error. I chose MAE because it is relatively easy to interpret and outliers aren’t particularly bad in for this type of model.
I tried three different models:
*Multiple Linear Regression – Baseline for the model
*Lasso Regression – Because of the sparse data from the many categorical variables, I thought a normalized regression like lasso would be effective.
*Random Forest – Again, with the sparsity associated with the data, I thought that this would be a good fit.
Model performance
The Random Forest model far outperformed the other approaches on the test and validation sets.
*Random Forest : MAE =-29.61
*Linear Regression: MAE = -26.172941
*Ridge Regression: MAE = 31.09
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Posted Jan 19, 2024
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