Objective: Automate and streamline order data management from EcomStore, FastShip, and QuickDeliver.
Step 1: Consolidate Files
Open files: EcomStore_Orders.csv, FastShip_Orders.csv, QuickDeliver_Orders.csv.
Create a single file with tabs named: "EcomStore," "FastShip," and "QuickDeliver."
Step 2: Format Date in EcomStore
Change date format in Column F ("Fulfilled Date") to dd-mm-yyyy.
Insert two temporary columns next to Column F.
Use "Text to Columns" to split data, then delete temporary columns.
Step 3: Fill Missing Data
For multi-product orders, fill blank fields in "Fulfilled Quantity," "Total Amount," and "Billing Region" using Go To > Special > Blanks and formula = (Up Arrow) + Ctrl+Enter.
Step 4: Normalize Order IDs
In FastShip tab, create a column to append # to order ID using formula: ="#"&A2
Step 5: Add Order Status to EcomStore
Create columns "QuickDeliver Status" and "FastShip Status."