The Value of a Coffee Date Blog Post

Nicole Writes


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As a stay at home mom who homeschools, I truly value time that I have away from home. If I have to choose an outing, it will always be a coffee date! You could definitely say that coffee dates are my love language.

What Makes a Coffee Date so Special?

I get it, some people may raise an eye brow and wonder what's the big deal with a simple coffee date? I am sure most would have something "better than" a coffee date at the top of their outings list. But hear me out, coffee dates are the best way to refuel your mind and pour into yourself for a healthy soul.
Choosing to go on a coffee date doesn't necessarily mean have a cup of coffee. For me, coffee is a real treat that I enjoy when I go out, I don't drink it at home and prefer the fancy barista cappuccino or flat white, with almond milk and the fancy swirl.
It's about choosing something that makes you happy, that sends off those happy hormones to your brain and makes you smile. That may be a milkshake topped with whipped cream, a herbal tea that has all of the health benefits and cozy feels, or maybe a seasonal spiced latte.
It really isn't about the actual coffee, but choosing something to treat yourself with in a moment that you have taken to refresh your soul. It's not meant to be a guilted date of having something that you really shouldn't have, but taking a moment out of the ordinary to escape and enjoy something special. For me that includes a pastry, because a coffee needs a companion and pastries make me happy!

Who is the Date?

The simple answer to that is whoever you need it to be on that day. Sometimes all you need is some alone time, time to be in peace with your own thoughts. Time to reflect a little and speak quiet prayers to the Lord without the chaos of kids or trying to hold a conversation with someone.
Some days you may really need some adult conversation and speak about things that don't have to do with cartoon characters, and receive a reply that isn't an animal sound. We were created to be in community and sometimes you just need a friend.
The non-negotiable coffee date would be with your spouse. Especially if you have kids. I value every moment alone that I get with my husband because they are so rare. Make time to enjoy that special drink in a moment away from your kids and reconnect!

The Solo Coffee Date

For me, there is nothing like being able to sit alone without the responsibility of keeping an eye on the kids and allowing my mind to wonder wherever it may. Taking time to reflect, watch people coming and going, savoring each sip of my coffee and enjoying it while it is hot. Listening for the still quiet voice of God amidst my wandering thoughts.
This is the time I really feel the refreshing of my soul.
Jesus took time away, to be alone and to speak to the Father. He is the Son of God, God in human form and even he needed quiet away from the world to just be. Jesus is our example and this highlights the importance of solitude and time alone with God. Jesus valued his alone time for prayer and reflection, and he encouraged his disciples to do the same.

" Yet he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed." Luke 5:16
A study was done on spending time alone and the results concluded that spending time alone can have numerous benefits for our mental health and well-being. It can help us manage our emotions, improve our creativity, and enhance our relationships.

The Social Coffee Date

We were created to be in community, and as important as it is to spend time alone, it is equally important to spend time with people who fill your cup. The people who we surround ourselves with shouldn't drain you or be hard work, but should help you grow, listen and support you and visa versa.
Having someone to have light hearted conversation with or to be able to go deep with is important for a healthy mind and soul. There are many health benefits of having friends and socializing, including better mental health, lowered risk of dementia and even improving your physical health because social engagement is associated with strengthening the immune system.
Proverbs 27:17 says that "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." In my opinion there is no better way to sharpen and be sharpened than through a good old coffee date!

"The sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel." Proverbs 27:9

The Coffee Date Date

No that isn't a a typo, I am referring to the coffee date that is in fact an old school date with the one you love. Taking time out to just be the two of you, in a relaxed environment where you can chat, hold hands and laugh - can do wonders for the soul.
My mom always taught us that date nights with your spouse are vital and should be done often, and that's exactly what they did. Perhaps that's where my love for coffee dates started.
Coffee dates are a simple yet effective way to reconnect with your spouse, foster communication, and strengthen your emotional bond. According to a study, coffee shops are generally quiet, which makes them an intimate but not intimidating place to talk, joke, and relax while enjoying a special treat together.

Reasons to go on a Coffee Date Today

To sum it all up, a coffee date is a simple ( and cost effective ) way to spend time either alone or with someone you love in order to refresh your soul and pour into your cup. After all, you can't pour from an empty cup and it is important to look after yourself too!
I strongly believe that small practices like taking time for a coffee, benefits your mind and your soul in so many ways. It's this small thing that adds to living a healthy lifestyle that you really truly love!

What is your favorite coffee date drink and treat?

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Posted Oct 18, 2024

Coffee dates are good for the mind and the soul. An original blog post written and photographed by me for my own personal blog.






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