Absurd Period Myths.

Minahil Rashid


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Do you remember sitting down and having a conversation on menstruation and other puberty issues with your mother? Yes, me neither.

Most days its hard to comprehend the fact, how we're living in 21st century but 'period talk' still remains one of the most taboo topics to discuss. Over the years I've come to a realization how the word "period" or "menses'" is way more unsettling for the people around us, than the term itself. A large number of women share the experience of using code words to indicate the experience out of uneasiness in saying "I'm on my period," or concealing a sanitary pad in a pocket or sleeve prior to hurrying to the washroom so nobody will realize it is your "time of the month'. Since no one came forward to discuss the topic openly, it lead women into believing myths mostly based on superstitions and the fact that no one questioned them was extremely frazzling. Not only were these myths incorrect and risible but they also was a result of segregation and behavioral cutbacks which made it more difficult for women to discuss their discuss their periods, and to know whether their feminine cycle is healthy or not.
One of the most common myths of 'not taking a shower while being on your period' is false. If you were using this as an excuse of not showering, sorry to pop your bubble but a decent steaming shower can actually do a ton to ease cramps and premenstrual strain. You can also add aromatic therapy oils to your bath which will assist you with unwinding the restlessness of your emotional state. Another myth I've personally been a victim of was, not to exercise while you're not your period. Last time I checked, menstruation wasn't a disability? Infact, doctors advise to do lighter workouts during your periods including yoga, Pilates and stretching which will alleviate cramps, back pain and bloating caused by periods. Additional common myths included not drinking cold water, they will make your periods stop or affect the intensity of the cramps which is illogical and baseless. Menstrual cycle has nothing to do with our digestive systems, its directly linked to our reproducutive systems. Having cold water will not impact our mensural cycle. Although it is advised to avoid caffeinated drinks since they result in the rise of estrogen levels which can make menstrual cramps to worsen. These were a few myths we get to hear the most yet, many were fresh out of the box new to us which included touching or going near plants during periods will result in the death of the plants. What are we, poorly drained soil or excessive sun rays on our periods? Plants thrive on good care, just like human beings irrespective of where or from whom it comes from. Another one which I personally wanted to address included elderly people stopping you from walking barefoot during your period. One can only sumise that this one began back in the Middle Ages when health and hygiene were somewhat less ideal, hence one's actual wellbeing was a smidgen more problematic. The story goes that ladies who have their periods need to eat just warm food sources and never stroll on floors with exposed feet, as the crispness in the two occurrences will expand the pain of period cramps. However, the pain during periods transmits outward from the uterus. There doesn't appear to be any way that cold food or cold floors can influence this result. Thus, these myths speaks volume on how uneducated people still are about something that occurs naturally to women. And these myths surely act as a hurdle between discussing period cycles rather publicly without feeling any shame.
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Posted Feb 12, 2023

Red Alert! Time for a Monthly Visitor Embracing the Quirks and Perks of Periods - An offbeat journey through the ins and outs of hideous period myths.






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Minahil Rashid

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