Some school instructors make it seem as though failing a final examination means that you will be a failure in life. There is much more to life than making A's and having three master's degrees. Although these are great accomplishments to possess, the schooling system refuses to remind students to focus on other important goals in life as well. Having a good support system of family, friends, and developing good communication skills are also just as important. Simply knowing all the rules of the English language doesn't substitute for knowing how to properly express yourself and understand others. Academic development should not be seen as the only thing that matters. For example, when being selected to attend an ivy-league university the admission staff seek students that possess unique qualities. Things that make the student stand out from the crowd. Of course, all of the students that apply would have 4.0 GPAs, flawless attendance records and was probably a member of every academic club that you could think of. But the real question is, what makes each student different? Having other talents and qualities in addition to academic knowledge can give students an advantage by making them a more well-rounded individual, adding to their qualifications.