Scéal Nua Coaching Ltd

Joe Hendley


Web Designer

Business Owner




Project Objectives

I built this site in 2022 for my own coaching business needs in order to explain what my coaching services are to my own ideal audiences. This was all before launching into Website Design services as my focus point for 2024 onwards.
I had been a self-employed coach in the UK from 2016 to 2021 before life and global events took over and I decided to relocate to Ireland at the end of 2021 to restart a new life, albeit with the same core values.
As with any of the sites I have built for myself, I wanted a bright, bold and fresh visual look to compliment the idea of helping others to refresh their own lives. I didn’t want it over complicate the site as it is simply there to act as a typical brochure site to provide some overview information on who I am, what I do for who. As I was new to the country, I wanted to get across the idea of my experience and myself as much as give a sense of the services on offer.


My own vision and goals were to start afresh with a new story, hence the name (for those who don’t know Irish at all, “scéal” = story*, “nua” = new.
Naturally, I had a clear idea of what I wanted visually – bright, fresh, probably involving green and blue hues. I found a freelance graphic designer to come up with an interesting logo and explained that I like gradients which have been popular for site designs over the past couple of years. they came up with something very unique which utilised exactly what I was hoping for – the colours in the logo gradient became the basis of the colours throughout the site. 
(*The idea of building stories has naturally followed over to my new venture here on Bold Web Story Designs.)

Final Layout

Ready to talk?

Contact me now to discuss your requirements and to see if we are a good fit
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Posted Feb 15, 2024

I built this site in 2022 for my own coaching business needs in order to explain what my coaching services are to my own ideal audiences.






Web Designer

Business Owner




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