Product & Brand Design for Volley FM App

Nardi Braho

Product Designer
2D Animator
UI Designer
Adobe After Effects
Volley FM is an app that lets users listen to short daily podcasts / shows to start their day.

App/Play Store Preview

App/Play Store Screenshots
App/Play Store Screenshots
The app went through a branding overhaul in addition to the new interface and user experience. I was the lead designer in a team consisting of product stakeholders, and iOS/Android Engineers.
The re-designed app didn't just come with a fresh UI. The user experience was rethought and a part of that was the new onboarding which paid more attention to the bulk of users coming from Amazon Alexa.
(Pssst: Watch in 4K)
Watch on YouTube

Visual Re-design

A number of Lottie animations were designed to represent states and visual delights throughout the app. Lottie animations at that time had only recently came out, enabling apps to play JSON based animations in mobile & web with blazing fast performance, which I leveraged for Volley FM.
The main screen of the app, the Daily Update, displayed the show's "album art" in the background, keeping the UI dynamic and fresh.
Daily Update
View the following video for a full walkthrough of the app. Please remember to watch in 4K:
Watch on YouTube
The app was available for both iOS and Android, and as of today it has been discontinued.
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