World Ocean Day

Meiji Grace Estrada


Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

📎 Objective

The goal of this project is to design a conceptual poster that will raise public awareness about the state of the seas.

🖼 About the project

World Ocean Day is an annual worldwide event that occurs in June. People get together on this day to celebrate and take action in support of our blue planet. It is a rising worldwide festival that brings together millions of people from all over the world to work towards a better future.

✏️ Process & Challenge

I needed to come up with a compelling approach to present the material with the poster design, which must be motivational, inspiring, frightening, or educational. I began by gathering information on the major challenges affecting ocean health. Because I aim to use plastic elements that reflect the ocean in the poster design, I produced a single drawing that mostly concentrated on the fish to keep the concept simple. I scanned saran wrap and a plastic ziploc in the printer.
Then I used Adobe Photoshop to alter the colours and lighting of my sketch and the plastic materials. The ocean appears dark blue to imply that it is polluted and murky. The fish’s drab interior underlines the unhealthy and poisonous foods they’ve been eating beneath the water.
I used the solution as a headline and used genuine data and figures from the World Ocean Day website to describe the major problem in the body content.

✨ Outcome

My design poster for a public awareness campaign is wonderfully detailed, with a clear structure and hierarchy.
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Posted Dec 22, 2022

World Ocean Day is an annual worldwide event that occurs in June. People get together on this day to celebrate and take action in support of our blue planet.






Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Meiji Grace Estrada

Perfectionist creating visual brands

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