In June 2020, three months into hard lockdown, The New Normal Game launched in South Africa. A country whose class disparities were increasingly highlighted as most economic activities shut down to curb the spread of Covid-19. The game, which was called “part activist intervention, part digital performance art” by New Frame, gave players an array of problems based on current issues to solve. The game which launched on Facebook included a “Council” made up of Facebook followers who chose the winning solutions. Round 2 of 7 had users coming up with creative solutions for a post-coronavirus South Africa. A country that is already comprised of a poor majority has sunk deeper into poverty coupled with civil unrest and military rule in this virtual world with suggested solutions including defunding the police, free internet as well as debt relief amongst others. Problems were presented to gamers by the group of artivists that created it. These creatives called the “Game Masters” in the game were brought together by Kelly Eve Koopman and Sarah Summers to get users to think of the many ways in which the pandemic may leave the world in disarray which could be circumvented by creating a socially conscious citizenry. The New Normal used their platform not only to entertain players with mythical lands but also to raise awareness of social issues including but not limited to patriarchy, colonialism, and government corruption.