Billing Crow


Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer
Responsive Design
Tailwind CSS

Case Study

Billing Crow is a comprehensive invoice-making web application designed to simplify the process of managing sales, purchases, and employee attendance. Inspired by platforms like Zoho Books and MyBillBook, Billing Crow offers a robust solution for small to medium-sized businesses looking to streamline their invoicing and financial management processes.

Create Sales Invoice Page in Billing Crow.


  • Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing invoices.
  • Enable businesses to add and manage parties (clients, suppliers) to whom invoices will be sent.
  • Provide functionality to add and manage items being sold or purchased.
  • Allow users to create and manage sales and purchase invoices efficiently.
  • Integrate employee attendance management to keep track of workforce productivity.


Party Management

  • Add, edit, and delete parties (clients and suppliers).
  • Store contact details, billing addresses, and payment terms.

Item Management

  • Add, edit, and delete items being sold or purchased.
  • Manage item categories, stock levels, and pricing.

Invoice Management

  • Create, edit, and delete sales and purchase invoices.
  • Customize invoice templates and formats.
  • Automate invoice generation and reminders for due payments.

Employee Attendance

  • Record and track employee attendance.
  • Generate attendance reports and integrate with payroll systems.

Reports and Analytics

  • Generate detailed financial reports (sales, purchases, profit/loss).
  • Dashboard for quick insights into business performance.
Create Party page in Billing Crow

Development Process

Planning and Requirement Gathering

  • Conducted stakeholder meetings to gather detailed requirements.
  • Defined the main goals and objectives of the application.
  • Created a comprehensive project plan with timelines and milestones.

UI/UX Design

  • Designed user flow diagrams to map out user journeys.
  • Developed wireframes for each screen, focusing on layout and navigation.
  • Created high-fidelity mockups showcasing the visual design, color schemes, typography, and branding elements.

Backend Development

  • Designed the database schema using PostgreSQL.
  • Developed RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express.js for handling data transactions.
  • Implemented secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Developed core business logic and functionalities.

Frontend Development

  • Set up the development environment using Next.js.
  • Added Tailwind and ShadCN UI in the project. Then organized the project structure following best practices.
  • Implemented the user interface using Next.js components, applying styles and themes.
  • Integrated the frontend with backend APIs to fetch and post data.
  • Implemented local data storage solutions for offline access.

Testing and Deployment

  • Conducted unit and integration testing to ensure the backend and frontend work seamlessly together.
  • Performed end-to-end and usability testing to validate the complete application's functionality.
  • Released a beta version for real-world testing and feedback.
  • Deployed the frontend on Vercel and backend on AWS EC2.
  • Set up monitoring and logging to track app performance and usage.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Data Synchronization: Ensured real-time data synchronization between the frontend and backend using WebSockets.
  • Scalability: Designed the application architecture to handle a growing number of users and data entries.
  • Security: Implemented robust security measures, including data encryption and secure authentication using JWT.


  • Successfully launched Billing Crow, providing a user-friendly platform for businesses to manage invoices and employee attendance.
  • Received positive feedback from early users, highlighting the app's ease of use and comprehensive feature set.
  • Enabled businesses to streamline their invoicing process, reducing manual errors and improving financial management efficiency.
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