MVP Feature: Campaign and Challenge |

Anggitha Noor


UX Designer

UI Designer




You can visit this link to view get experience. Happy reading! :D


Creating Campaign/Challenge manually has been found to be a challenge for many organizers. The campaign and challenge are filled out manually using Google Docs/Words.
Organizers have to fill out some forms and have to manually check with the team. It takes time and is inefficient. In addition, the organizer should keep in touch with the team to ensure that the campaign/challenge created has been successfully published

Old Flow

The old process to create Campaign and Challenge before MVP feature. Huft, such a long way...
The old process to create Campaign and Challenge before MVP feature. Huft, such a long way...
Regarding the information shared, it's good to know that getting everything sorted took more than 14 days before the Campaign #ForChange website had all the stuff uploaded. This timeline began when the organizer gave their content to the team. If there were no problems, this process would've been finished on time.
Now, let's imagine that the organizer made some mistakes while filling out the form. How long do you think it might take to fix those mistakes? Could it stretch to a whole month? This situation reminds us that being careful when filling out the form is super important. Fixing mistakes could end up taking a lot more time, which is something to consider.
To get a clearer picture of this, it might be a good idea to dig a bit deeper. We could try to find out about similar instances where mistakes were made on forms during campaigns. Are there any stories or examples out there that show how long it took to sort things out when errors were made? Doing a little bit of research could give us some insights into what could happen in such cases. Plus, we might stumble upon tips on how to avoid these mistakes in the first place, which could save a lot of time and effort in the long run.

Problem Statement

We conducted research involving several organizers who had uploaded at least one campaign and challenge. We discovered that they shared various opinions, but we identified a common thread in terms of their struggles. To simplify matters, we categorized each problem and determined which ones were major and minor. By separating the problems, we aim to streamline the process once we embark on the design sprint.
The issues that arose are highlighted as follows:
Major Problem (issues that attract this MVP feature)
Major Problem (issues that attract this MVP feature)
Minor problem (issues that happen on another feature but possible happen in this MVP)
Minor problem (issues that happen on another feature but possible happen in this MVP)

How might we?

Based on the problem category we
How might we of major problem
How might we of major problem
How might we of minor problem
How might we of minor problem


Sneak peek of wireframe that we made
Sneak peek of wireframe that we made

New Flow

Now everything is seamless and transparent :D

High-Fidelity Design

Hi-Fi design for creating Campaign
Hi-Fi design for creating Challenge

Desing Breakdown

We provide information cards for every question to reduce confusion
We provide information cards for every question to reduce confusion
We provide status to see real-time update
We provide status to see real-time update

Usability Testing

The metrics result that we got after usability testing
The metrics result that we got after usability testing
The success rate we got after we combined indirect and direct success rate is 83.4%. Direct success rate is a success that followed the expected path we created. Otherwise, Indirect success rate is a success that didn’t follow the expected path from the maze. Due to limited path on Maze, we couldn't make any possibilities scenarios that would participants click. So there were many misses clicked, but if the participants still reach the goals we still counted as successes.
However, we tried to understand how participants feel and let them share their feedback through depth interviewing after testing the app. The results show:


Lesson Learned

This project was very interesting because we were asked to think about new features. We are working to better understand what the problem is and how we can help our users. Personally, I feel very grateful to be a part of this team and to be the first UX Designer Intern at (this is also my first time as a UXD Intern). I never imagined I would be given the opportunity to participate in such a big project at From there I learned many things, from how to exchange opinions, ideas, and knowledge from each individual group, to work with a team using agile methods, to how to do presentations to stakeholders. Those are all very new and also very good experiences. I will apply the experience and knowledge that I got in this project and try to be better in other projects that will come.
I understand that there may be shortcomings and errors in this MVP project, but we are diligently striving to give our best efforts!
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The MVP feature for creating Campaigns and Challenges directly through the app has significantly increased efficiency







UX Designer

UI Designer




Anggitha Noor

Designing web and mobile products

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