Blog Writing about Outdoor Gear Industry for SaaS Website

Princess Marie Juan


Content Writer

Google Docs



The Outdoor Gear Industry Blogs

5 Things I keep in Mind for Blog Writing:

Correct Use of Headings - Headings play as one of the crucial part about blog writing. Many forgets to use heading and make use of Bold text instead which makes it hard for google to understand the outline of a specific blog
Simple Fonts for drafts - Submitting drafts must be clean and neat and doesn't really require fancy and display fonts that will make the document file look unprofessional. I often make use of ARIAL and CALIBRI to keep the draft readable.
Use of 1.5 Spacing for drafts - drafts on google documents is best set in 1.5 spacing so it wont look like too much congested.
Create a proper Outline - Outlines is the first thing that needs to be done for creating a blog/article. First thing I do is to do some research on the outlines of the best blogs presented from google and create your own outline. This will help me building the best outline with enough information that the blog needs.
2nd Person language to create engaging Intro and Outro: The blog must be created in the 2nd persona. Readers must be able to resonate with the blogs [ whoever is the target].

I agree the Ai like ChatGPT can be useful for blog writing but it should only be a tool for improving writings as there are information that are not always updated.

Organizing Documents on Excel File

To submit works easily to client, having a collaborative file to share links of document is teh best way to keep everything organized in one place especially if there are set of articles taht needs to be written.

Sample Outline Draft

Customer Segmentation & Audiences for Outdoor Gear Stores

How to Effectively Collect Email Subscribers for Your Outdoor Gear Store

Sample Draft Article





Sample Editorial for Outdoor Gear Stores

Blogs are not just articles, they can be use for editorial purposes in the future for company's lead magnet.
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Posted Dec 20, 2023

This project explains how I write articles and the key things I do to create a great blog.








Content Writer

Google Docs



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