I take a look around, it's dark but the moon provides enough light that I can make out my surroundings very easily, one way has a road that leads to nothing, which I'm guessing eventually a city. The other road leads to a small town, not that far from the facility. I can't take that way, as soon as that alarm goes off, I would be right back inside that facility. I decide to take the way that seems to have nothing around it. I walk for about ten minutes and I see woods in the distance, a perfect place to hide when that alarm sounds off. Just as that thought crosses my mind, the alarm of the facility goes off, and I have to get to those woods in the next couple of minutes or my escape is over. I start to run as fast as I can, I take a break to look back and I can see the red and blue sirens in the distance, but it seems as if they are going towards the town first, just as I expected them to. They'll find out soon enough that I didn't go through that town, then they will come searching this way.