Faraway Dreams

Thomas Fletcher


Creative Writer

Content Creator


A poem about the fear of following my dreams

I'm scared to follow my dreams
All I have are thoughts like
Is there really a possible career
In being a writer
or a poet for me?
Is it too late for me
To pursue my dreams
Of being a poet
Or a writer
And making a profit
And a career out of
Something I love doing?
Am I too old to start?
Even though I'm
Only in my mid twenties,
What about my
Other dream careers?
Is it too late to
Possibly pursue them
And find a career
Doing one of those?
Have I wasted my life
And waited too long
To start trying
To follow my dreams?
Maybe that's all my
Dreams are, a fantasy
In my head that will
Never be much more
Than an idea in my head.
Like this project

Posted Nov 20, 2024

A poem about the fear of following my dreams






Creative Writer

Content Creator


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