[Top 25] Famous Heroes From Fantasy Movies and Games

Brandon B.


Article Writer

While not always as lovable as villains, every story needs a hero.

25. Arthur Pendragon - Merlin

The son of Uther Pendragon, the prince and eventual king, and the man destined to unite the land of Albion.
Perhaps one of the most famous kings in fantasy history, Arthur is an honorable and good natured man, despite his arrogance and spoiled attitude. Unlike his father, Arthur doesn’t show as much disdain for sorcerers, and even defends them on occasion. There are many incarnations of King Arthur, but Merlin shows us more about his struggles and character development, and is iconic in my opinion.
Arthur is a highly skilled warrior. Strong and resilient, and while a sword is his favored weapon, he can adapt. Only a handful of people have beaten him. Aside from his combat capabilities, Arthur is an excellent leader and strategist.
What I like about the Merlin adaptation of Arthur is it shows his growth. He was spoiled and arrogant. We get to see him grow, struggling as he realizes things aren’t as simple as his father led him to believe. One day, he’ll rise again and the world will know peace! Arthur is most known for:
Being a king of legend, depicted in many fantasy pieces as the king who would unite the land of Albion in an era of peace.
Defying tradition by refusing to marry nobility as he was supposed to, instead choosing to wait and marry Guinevere, a servant.
His skill as a warrior. He’s strong, resilient, and nimble. Many regard him as the greatest warrior in Camelot.
Strong leadership. Many swore their loyalty to Arthur, believing he would be a good king.

24. Giselle - Enchanted

A beautiful girl from the fantasy land of Andalasia, Giselle met Prince Edward and was set to become queen… well. Until Narissa pushed her down a well to New York City.
She may not be an official Disney princess, but Giselle has all the grace and beauty to convince us otherwise. Arriving in real-world New York from a sewer tunnel somehow linked to Andalasia, Giselle spreads kindness wherever she goes in true Disney princess fashion. Whether it’s calling forest animals to clean a dirty NYC apartment or starting a massive singalong in the streets, it’s hard not to love her.
She’s a strong character in spirit, and isn’t bad with a sword either. (Seriously, how did she throw that sword and catch Robert!?) Her natural charisma wins over many, and while it wasn’t the one she originally imagined, she did get her happily ever after.
It is absolutely criminal that Giselle is not an official Disney princess. True, she didn’t marry Edward, but still. I think what sets her apart from the typical trope is watching her slowly lose her rose colored glasses when it comes to fantasy life while still retaining her whimsical princess-like wonder. Giselle is most known for:
Being one of the only Disney characters that ends up in the real world, coming to New York City when pushed down a well.
Breaking the stereotypical “happily ever after” trope, like asking Edward on a date to see if they like each other and not automatically joining in his rendition of “I’ve been Dreaming of a True Love’s Kiss”.
Bravery. She doesn’t even hesitate to follow Narissa in a thunderstorm on a skyscraper to save Robert.

23. Bean - Disenchantment

Princess Tiabeanie, more commonly known as Bean. A strong willed woman who defies any attempt to control her and actively fights the status quo.
Bean is the Princess (later the Queen) of Dreamland. She has mommy issues, a drinking problem, a demon, and an elf. Unlike Giselle, there is nothing princess-like about Bean other than her lineage. This is what sets her apart. She’s defied both her parents’ attempts to control her. In doing so, she begins to mature and forge her own way of doing things.
Bean is strong, relatively skilled in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry, teaching herself to fight. Due to her mother’s lineage, she also has magic, but doesn’t really use it often.
Bean may not seem like a good contender for a hero, but she is strong and straightforward. She is surprisingly good with diplomacy and despite her debauchery, she does have a relatively good moral compass. Bean is most known for:
Being essentially the opposite of a normal princess, actively rebelling against all of the decisions made for her.
Her Maruvian lineage, which is the source of her magical abilities.
Being extremely strong willed, refusing to marry either Prince Guysbert or Prince Herkimer, refusing to dress as a princess, etc.

22. Paarthurnax - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

A former servant and lieutenant of Alduin, Paarthurnax has since cast off the shackles of the World Eater and devoted himself to tutoring humanity in the ways of the Thu’um.
The leader of the Greybeards, Paarthurnax is an ancient dragon who once served Alduin in the Dragon War during the Merethic era. In his own words, he committed horrible atrocities against mankind. However, he has since turned to teaching the Way of the Voice to the Greybeards and the Dragonborn to help in Alduin’s defeat.
He is powerful, like any dragon of his age would be. His true strength is his wisdom. Paarthurnax does not make excuses, openly acknowledging his actions in the past. But he wants to change, teach the dragons to overcome their violent nature in hopes that one day Dragons and mortals can coexist.
It can be hard to figure out what makes a hero. I mean, does Paarthurnax deserve the title of hero after the things he’s done? Personally, I think the fact that he wants to change things for the better at least puts him on the hero side. And the Blades have the audacity to order you to kill him. Honestly, who kills Paarthurnax? Paarthurnax is most known for:
His service to Alduin during the Merethic era. Acting as his lieutenant in the Dragon War.
His betrayal, turning on Alduin and forming the Greybeards to teach the Way of the Voice.
Teaching the dragons the Way of the Voice in hopes of eventually overcoming their violent nature so dragons and men can coexist.
Having the same voice actor as Mario. It’s-a me, Paarthurnax!

21. Tidus - Final Fantasy X

Tidus is a blitzball player from Zanarkand and the main protagonist of Final Fantasy X. Until he can find his way home, he’s devoted himself to protecting Yuna.
Star player of the Zanarkand Abes, Tidus is transported to Spira after an encounter with Sin. That’s where he meets Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, and the rest of the main party. He’s made a guardian by Yuna, and travels with her on her pilgrimage. Definitely not the most popular protagonist, there is one thing that sets Tidus apart.
That. Horrible. Laughing. Scene.
His irritating personality aside, Tidus is at least fiercely loyal to Yuna. He’s a good swordsman and has good Blitzball stats as well. Too bad it’s all overshadowed by how whiny he is. I mean, I guess he gets better later in the story, but it’s still annoying. Tidus is most known for:
Blitzball. He’s an extremely skilled player for the Zanarkand Abes, and then the Besaid Aurochs.
His father. Tidus is the son of Jecht, who was famous in both Zanarkand (for his Blitzball prowess) and Spira (for being Braska’s guardian).
That awful laughing scene.

20. Zuko - Avatar: the Last Airbender

The prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko was banished by his father and given a mission to capture the Avatar. Eventually, he turns sides and joins the Avatar to take down his father.
Zuko has a troubled past, having been permanently scarred by his father in an agni kai, and losing his mother at an early age. Worst still is the emotional torture his sister likes to put him through. He’s probably one of the most famous villain-to-hero stories.
Zuko is a master firebender and lightning bender, having been trained directly by the dragons with Aang. He is capable of redirecting lightning, a feat not many can accomplish. He is also skilled with swords (specifically dual swords) and unarmed combat, seen several times throughout the show.
It’s hard to find a character more loved than Zuko. He had one of the best character arcs in animation history, in my opinion at least. Especially since he didn’t just reform overnight, like so many villain-turned-heroes tend to. He actually struggled, which makes it so much more meaningful. He’s the lovable, awkward fire prince who did the dancing dragon right into our hearts. Zuko is most known for:
His scar. It’s iconic. He was injured at the age of thirteen by his father during an agni kai.
Character reformation. Zuko often struggled between following his heart and his orders, getting confused on how to regain his honor. It was a long battle, but in the end, he finally redeemed himself.
Having a strong relationship with Iroh (another personal favorite of mine). Zuko and Iroh had more of a father-son relationship than Zuko and Ozai did, and Iroh was a big influence on Zuko.

19. Serana - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Serana, a pureblood Daughter of Coldharbour who has been locked away since the Second Era. Her blood is the key to fulfilling the Tyranny of the Sun.
Shortly after meeting the Dawnguard, you’ll meet Serana. She’ll be your companion for most of the Dawnguard DLC, and regardless of which side you choose, she’ll help you stop Lord Harkon from completing the prophecy. It’s a true hero who helps you kill their father. Serana is one of the most beloved characters in Skyrim for her depth, and story.
She’s a strong fighter, capable with both weapons and vampire magic. She’s also a Daughter of Coldharbour which attests to just how strong she is. Her relationship with her parents isn’t great (considering you’re plotting to kill her father) but she’s strong, and knows what needs to be done for the good of the world.
Serana is one of the most popular characters in Skyrim. Her story is compelling and interesting, and unlike every other character, you actually feel like you develop a bond with her. Even if you side with the Dawnguard, she still helps you take down Harkon.
And yet we still can’t marry her. Serana is most known for:
Being a Daughter of Coldharbour. Basically, she received her vampirism from Molag Bal himself, and I will say nothing more of the ritual.
Her deep story. The Dawnguard DLC heavily revolves around Serana and her parents, and the further in you go, the more you learn about her.
Being the most popular Skyrim follower.

18. Fa Mulan - Mulan

Fa Mulan is the only child of Fa Zhu, a war hero. When war demands her sickly father to take up arms again, Mulan defies tradition (and the law) and takes his place instead.
When she fails to impress the matchmaker and bring honor to her family, it seems as though all hope is lost. A little later, however, her father is conscripted into the Chinese army. After a minor outburst, and a harsh scolding from her father, Mulan decides to go against all tradition (and again the law), and take her father’s place under the guise of a boy named Ping.
During her training, Mulan proves herself more than capable. Showing her physical and tactical prowess, and her skill with swordplay. She rose from clumsy rookie to top of her class, and her quick thinking saved the troops from certain death.
Mulan is probably my favorite Disney princess. She defied tradition to prove to herself that she could be more than someone’s wife. Mulan is the hero China needs and definitely doesn’t deserve! After all, to quote the Emperor himself: you don’t meet a girl like that every Dynasty. Mulan is most known for:
Stealing her father’s sword and impersonating an imperial soldier, all to keep her father safe.
Her strong will and unique way of thinking, often devising out of the box methods of doing her chores.
Being one of the few Disney princesses who doesn’t actually have royal blood.
Saving China with quick thinking and improvisation.

17. Shrek - Shrek

Shrek is an ogre, living alone in his swamp. Until it’s suddenly overrun with fairytale creatures. In an effort to get his swamp back, he agrees to go on a quest to rescue princess Fiona.
Despite being an Ogre, Shrek doesn’t really wanna hurt anyone. All he wants is peace and quiet in his own little space (same, buddy). That changes when he meets Fiona and falls in love. After rescuing her from the dragon’s keep (and later from a marriage to Lord Farquaad), they live happily ever after in his swamp. … Kinda.
Shrek is well known for being an underdog, dealing with racism and prejudice from the world despite his efforts. He’s strong, kind, and genuine. He even goes so far as to steal a potion from the Fairy Godmother to turn himself (and Fiona) human to try and give her a more traditional happily ever after. His strength and terror are wielded responsibly, usually in defense of those he loves.
Shrek is iconic. We all know him, we all love him. He’s our onion, with all of his layers. He’s fought tooth and nail to overcome prejudice and racism, and by his fourth movie, the world finally gets to see his true nature. Shrek is the hero that shows us it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Shrek is most known for:
Doing the roar. Obviously.
His unconventional methods, as seen when he frees Fiona from the dragon’s keep. He notes that all the previous knights wound up dead, and that it would be safer to trick the dragon and run.
Defying the prejudices of Far Far Away, as seen when he refused to give up on Fiona when she was supposedly charmed by the Fairy Godmother. He fights for what he wants and what is important to him.
Knowing his limits and doing the right thing. When Harold dies and leaves Shrek as the next king, Shrek immediately mentions that having an Ogre king is a bad idea and sets out to bring back the only other heir, Arthur. He realized that people would probably be upset about his monarchy, and gave it up.

16. Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender

A monk from the Southern Air Temple, Aang was frozen in ice in the waters near the Southern Water Tribe for 100 years. When he’s finally set free by Katara and Sokka, he soon learns his destiny: to save the world.
During his 100 year stasis, the world fell to chaos with the Fire Nation attacking. Soon he learns that he must master the other three elements and stop the Fire Lord before Sozin’s Comet arrives. Naturally for a 12 year old (or I guess 112 year old) that is a lot of pressure. But Aang is strong.
Together with Katara, Sokka, Toph, and eventually Zuko, he masters the elements and faces the Fire Lord. Aang grows from a childish boy to a wise and mature young man, even fighting to find a way to beat Ozai without taking his life. Despite his struggles, he’s always been sustained by his friends.
Imagine being 12 and tasked with saving the world, after you were frozen for 100 years. Then imagine actually doing it. Aang is a charming and fun loving kid, and despite his personal growth, he never really outgrows that playfulness. Despite all odds, he saved the world. Aang is most known for:
Being frozen for 100 years. The pressure of being the Avatar caused him to flee the Air Temple, but he got caught in a storm. In an attempt to protect himself and Appa from drowning, he froze them both in ice.
Being the last airbender, as the title would suggest. The Fire Nation exterminated all of the airbenders in effort to ensure the Avatar would not be reborn.
Becoming a fully realized avatar sooner than others, having only taken a year.
Sticking to his morals. Even when all of the past Avatars advise him to kill Ozai, he continues to fight to find another way.

15. Sora - Kingdom Hearts

Wielder of the Kingdom Key, Sora is a young man from the Destiny Islands whose destiny is intertwined with many, many worlds.
Sora grew up on the Destiny Islands with his friend and rival Riku, and eventually his friend Kairi as well. When a strange storm hits and their home is invaded by Heartless, Sora learns he is a keyblade wielder, and uses this new power to fight off the Heartless invading his home. This leads him on an adventure that spans many worlds. Most of his adventures are focused on finding or saving Riku or King Mickey, but there’s so much lore it’d be impossible to summarize.
He travels through different worlds and saves them from Heartless, which definitely paints him as a hero. He’s a skilled swordsman, wielding the keyblade with expertise. He is also capable of using magic, though generally Donald handles that side of things (well, sometimes).
Kingdom Hearts was one of the first RPGs I played, so Sora holds a special place in my heart. He fights to protect the world from evil, and is strong in his convictions. A classic hero archetype. Sora is most known for:
The Kingdom Key. His first keyblade, the one that appeared during the attack on the Destiny Islands.
Having a pure heart, as seen when Riku takes the keyblade from him. Once Donald and Goofy return to Sora’s side, the keyblade realizes that Sora’s heart is stronger than Riku’s, it removes itself from Riku’s possession and returns to Sora.
Singing. Sora has a decent singing voice, as seen in the Atlantica world of Kingdom Hearts II.

14. Belle - Beauty and the Beast

Belle, the inventor’s daughter. The most beautiful girl in the village, and an incurable bookworm. She dreams of seeing the world, and meeting someone who doesn’t ostracize her for reading.
Perhaps one of the most popular Disney princesses, Belle stands out as a very intelligent woman. Despite the entire village ostracizing her, she is friendly and kind. Her good heart even leads her to trade places with her father as the Beast’s prisoner. Belle may not be a fighter or sorceress, but her heroism is something different entirely. She’s brave and kind, quite literally soothing the savage beast.
Belle’s heroism doesn’t come from daring quests or sword fights. In my opinion, it comes from the morals she exudes. Strength of will, staying true to your character, and embracing your individuality even if others don’t understand. She was one of the first Disney princesses who stood for something more than falling in love. She wasn’t just some damsel in distress, and being that kind of role model makes her a hero in my opinion. Belle is most known for:
Beauty. Literally, her name means beauty.
Breaking the spell on the Beast, by falling in love. Cliché, but I don’t think it makes her any less of a strong woman.
Her love of books. While the town discouraged it, the Beast gave her a whole library. Man has game.

13. Merlin/Emrys - Merlin

The prophesied young sorcerer. Shortly after his arrival in Camelot, Merlin gets into a fight with Arthur and winds up as his servant. As it was destined.
The name “Merlin” shows up in so many pieces of lore, it’s hard to imagine someone wouldn’t know the famous wizard. The wizard of Camelot, faithful servant of King Arthur. In this adaptation, he keeps his magic secret due to it being illegal. Even under a king that kills his kind, Merlin uses his magic in defense of Camelot. Never letting Uther’s prejudice sway him from doing the right thing.
Merlin is a powerful sorcerer, and many cultures have even prophesied his birth. The Druids, for example, know him as Emrys. He can use magic without incantations, which is very rare. He is adept at many forms of magic such as elemental magic, manipulating the forces of life and death, telepathy, and more. He may be weak in a physical fight, but Merlin’s quick thinking and use of silent magic always gives him an edge.
Merlin is one of the most iconic wizards of history. There are adaptations in games and media everywhere, but his mischief and sass in the show is a great spin on an iconic figure. He’s the hero Camelot needs, if you believe Kilgharrah (and honestly, he was right about everything else). Merlin is most known for:
Being a famous wizard in Arthurian culture, friend and servant of King Arthur.
His playful, sassy attitude. Often throughout the show he makes playful quips and banters with Arthur.
Powerful magic. Naturally, Merlin is one of the most powerful wizards in existence. Morgana feared him, receiving visions of her death by his hand.
His birth. Merlin is not only a prophesied sorcerer, but inherited the gift of being a dragonlord from his father.

12. Link - The Legend of Zelda

A young man from Hyrule. While his background can differ between games, his mission is almost always the same: save Princess Zelda and Hyrule.
Revolutionizing the green tunic, Link is the hero of Hyrule. Saving it from Ganondorf, most of the time. He is a well known hero, and more often than not, the holder of the Triforce of Courage. A skilled swordsman, mostly using the Master Sword and Hylian Shield.Link is a skilled fighter, and in some games, he is a Knight of Hyrule (apparently like his father was).
He almost always fights with a sword and shield, and sometimes other weapons like bows or slingshots. He does have the capacity for magic, but rarely uses it. His skillset is versatile, and you’d better take cover when you hear that “HYAAAH” coming your way.
Link is probably one of the better known heroes, given the popularity of Legend of Zelda. In most games, he starts off as just some regular person, albeit with an aptitude for swordplay still. He’s probably more famous for his famous quotes, though. Like “HYAH” or “HAAAH”. The man truly has a way with words. Link is most known for:
The Spirit of the Hero, which marks him as the destroyer of evil.
Wielding the Master Sword and Hylian Shield, powerful heroic artifacts that also prove his heroism.
Magic, though it does take a backseat to his melee combat. He’s known to use the spell Din’s Fire, and in Twilight Princess he’s able to transform into a Wolf.

11. Mario - Mario

It’s-a him, Mario! Everyone’s favorite plumber in the Mushroom Kingdom, he’s probably lost count of the amount of times he’s saved Princess Peach- and the world.
I’m not sure there’s a person alive who doesn’t know who Mario is. From his trademark “M” hat to his perky “Let’s-a go,” he’s a staple in the genre. Mario has had so many games, so many incarnations. Almost all of them involve him rescuing Princess Peach from Bowser, though we do get the odd game where there is another enemy. Whether it’s the main series or a spinoff (where are my Paper Mario fans?) this pudgy red plumber is famous worldwide.
He lacks any real combat training, relying mostly on jumping and hammer attacks. This is barring powerups like fire flowers or stars, which give him special abilities. Though if I went into his full list of abilities from all his games, this article would be 10x longer.
I don’t even need to explain why Mario is famous. His place on this list was practically guaranteed. What amuses me more is that I always forget he’s a plumber. Not a hero, or a warrior. Just some average plumber that gets roped into saving the world. Mario is most known for:
Being one of the most iconic video game characters of all time. He makes many cameo appearances in other media.
His relationship with Princess Peach. Are they an item? Just friends? Is it complicated? Who can say, but after all the times he’s saved her, I think he’s earned a date.
Having a large number of spinoff games, such as Mario Party, Mario Tennis, and Mario Kart.

10. Samwise Gamgee - Lord of the Rings

Frodo’s gardener and best friend, Samwise is a devoted ally in the quest to destroy the One Ring.
When Frodo set out on his quest, Samwise was sent along with him by Gandalf. He proved to be the most loyal member of the Fellowship of the Ring, and it’s no secret that Frodo would have failed without Sam. He’s perhaps one of the best examples of true friendship and loyalty, and during his brief time with the One Ring, resisted its temptations.
He may not be a master warrior or wizard, but Sam’s courage, bravery, and loyalty make him one of the best heroes in the genre. Every time Frodo needed him, Sam was there. Whether it was saving him from the Orcs in the Tower of Cirith Ungol, or carrying him up Mount Doom when he couldn’t move.
I honestly struggled to decide if Sam deserved a higher spot, but maybe I’m biased. Still, many LoTR fans consider Sam the true hero of the story, and I honestly agree. He may not be as widely known as Frodo, but he’s damn close. I hope after the War of the Ring, he got all the po-ta-toes he could eat. He deserves them. Samwise is most known for:
Loyalty. Never once did he falter or abandon Frodo, charging a tower of Orcs to save his friend and later carrying him up Mount Doom.
Resisting the temptation of the One Ring. Though brief, Sam did carry the ring for a short time and resisted its temptations.
Becoming Mayor of the Shire. After the War of the Ring was won (as was the heart of Rosie Cotton), when Will Whitfoot resigned, Sam was elected Mayor and served seven consecutive seven year terms

9. Tyrion Lannister - Game of Thrones

He drinks. He knows things. He’s the dwarf of Casterly Rock, Tyrion Lannister. His allegiances have changed throughout the series, but he’s usually had the general best interest of Westeros at heart.
The youngest child of Tywin Lannister, he’s been ostracized his entire life for his size. The self-proclaimed god of tits and wine, he is a debaucherous man who enjoys the company of prostitutes. Despite his “hobbies,” he has a good moral compass which is shown on several occasions. He is the last surviving Lannister noble, and currently serves as Hand of the King.
He didn’t survive because of his abilities in combat, but through cunning and intellect. He knew how to manipulate to survive, and especially in later seasons, did what he believed was right.
Alright, putting Tyrion on a hero list is a stretch, I admit it. But honestly, what else can you call a man who defies every brush with death with nothing more than his words? Long live the god of tits and wine! Tyrion is most known for:
A strong intellect. He was well read, and even explained to Jon Snow that he keeps his mind sharp because he knows it’s the best weapon he’s got.
Killing his father. After Tywin forbids Tyrion from being with the woman he loves, then beds the same woman himself, Tyrion snaps and kills his father in perhaps the most hilariously satisfying way: shooting him on the toilet.
Having a good moral compass. This is shown many times throughout the show, but is most evident when he refuses to consummate his forced marriage to Sansa. He knows she doesn’t want to, and doesn’t force himself on her.

8. Ronald Weasley - Harry Potter

The second youngest Weasley, and one of Harry’s best friends. Ron was a stalwart ally in the fight against Voldemort.
Ron was one of the first friends Harry made at Hogwarts, and proved to be a strong and loyal one. He was the subject of ridicule on occasion (usually by Draco Malfoy) due to his poor upbringing, but grew into a powerful wizard during his time at Hogwarts.
He became skilled with dark magic, able to cast various curses. Ron also showed an aptitude with divination, even if he didn’t particularly enjoy it. Aside from his magical abilities, Ron showed a surprising talent for tactical thinking, often resorting to out-of-the-box solutions.
I always liked Ron. He struggled with his confidence at times, but he was a skilled wizard. He liked to take the easy route (same) but was brave and fiercely protective of those he cared about. He was also kind of a pig when it came to food, which I can’t judge because… same. Ron is most known for:
His magic. Ron was capable of almost all forms of magic, especially curses and transfiguration.
Wizard’s Chess. He was exceptional at it, he and Harry often playing in their free time. Ron was able to play past the magic chessboard on their way to get the philosopher's stone. A feat that netted Gryffindor 50 points. Go Ron!
His romance with Hermione. Early on, all they did was bicker. As they got older though, a romance blossomed that would eventually lead to marriage and little Weaslings running around.
Having a good skill in battle, even able to stun a Death Eater while flying. An incredible feat, given Tonks’ amazement.

7. Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy VII

Cloud was an experiment by Shinra and former SOLDIER with Shinra. He fled, eventually joining Avalanche and setting on the path to stop Sephiroth.
Probably the most popular Final Fantasy protagonist of all time, Cloud is the edgy, awkward boy we all love. He has a deep backstory and great character growth, going from some indifferent cocky mercenary to someone who genuinely wants to save the world.
He’s a skilled swordsman, wielding his signature blade: the Buster Sword. Like Sephiroth, Cloud has superhuman strength and agility. He also possesses an aptitude for magic and skill in both chocobo and motorcycle riding.
I’m not normally a fan of the tortured soul trope, but Cloud is an exception to that. Having an identity crisis and struggling with social situations makes him feel a lot more relatable, especially when he starts to overcome it. Gives him some depth, and players love that. Glad to have some socially awkward representation. Cloud is most known for:
His popularity, consistently ranking high on popularity polls around the world. In 2020, he ranked first place in the “All Final Fantasy Big Vote” in Japan.
That magnificent Buster Sword. It was passed down by his friend, Zack Fair, upon his death. It’s since become a staple to his character.
Being the most requested Final Fantasy character to be included in Super Smash Bros.
His skill in combat, able to unleash devastating attacks (such as Omnistrike) with his sword, or use powerful magic (such as Blade Beam). In the games, Cloud has the most balanced stats and the highest Strength, with the second highest Magic.
His fantastic dance skills.

6. Hermione Granger - Harry Potter

A muggle-born witch. Hermione is a studious and smart girl who excels in almost everything she does. A good trait to have when you’re helping Harry Potter stop Voldemort.
Hermione is your typical star student. She excels in almost every subject, and while her social skills may suffer for it sometimes, the results speak for themselves. It takes her a while to fit in, since she comes off as a know-it-all (which she kind of is, to be fair). A trait pointed out by Ron. Despite this, though, she ends up becoming best friends with Ron and Harry, thus forming the “Golden Trio”.
Her magical skills and knowledge were key in the various battles they faced, and I don’t think it’d be an exaggeration to say that Harry would have failed without her. Honestly, she excels at so many things, it’d be easier to list what she’s not good at. No wonder she becomes the Minister of Magic.
Her personality might not be as loose as her friends, but I personally can relate to that on some levels. It was satisfying to watch her grow into such a powerful witch, especially after being teased for being a muggle-born. Bet her bullies aren’t laughing now that she’s the Minister of Magic. Classic case of long-game revenge. Hermione is most known for:
Excellence in her studies. There are very few aspects she doesn’t excel in, like struggling to cast the Patronus charm, and being a mediocre flier. Outside of some very niche instances, Hermione was regarded as “borderline genius”.
Being a muggle-born, as it is seen by many as dirty or inferior. It’s probably that Hermione worked so hard to overcome this prejudice, and it makes her position as Minister of Magic all the more sweet.
Having a strong moral compass. It’s seen during her time at Hogwarts when she begins advocating for better treatment of house-elves (in the books, at least). It also shows when she becomes Minister of Magic, and begins abolishing many prejudice laws.

5. Arya Stark - Game of Thrones

A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. Daughter of Ned and Cat Stark, she picks people off of her list. One at a time.
Arya is a young girl who doesn’t want to marry some handsome lord for an alliance. As she tells Gendry after his proposal: she isn’t a lady. At the beginning of the show, she’s a rebellious girl who wants nothing more than to learn how to fight. Nobody other than Jon really supports her, as he gives her a sword she names “Needle.” Throughout the series, Arya grows from a childish girl who can barely swing a blade to one of the most deadly forces in Westeros.
She’s well known and loved, whether it’s from her eradication of House Frey (who slaughtered her mother at the Red Wedding on Walder’s order) or her killing the Night King. Arya is a masterful swordsman, having trained to become a nimble and quick footed warrior. On top of that, her training in Braavos with the Faceless Men has given her the ability to take someone’s face and become them.
Most of the Stark children were remarkable in some way, but Arya’s character growth is just so satisfying. She is one of the best characters in the show, taking out those who’ve wronged her or her family. I mean, she fed Walder Frey his own sons before killing him. That’s a whole new level of revenge. Arya is most known for:
Killing the Night King. Just before the Night King would attack Bran, Arya charges in to attack. I haven’t cheered that loud for a show in a long time.
Her list. Arya had a list of people she was going to kill, and while she didn’t get the chance to pick them all off herself, she did get a fair few.
Changing faces. During her time in Braavos, Arya studied the ways of the Many-Faced God, and became “no one”. She didn’t stay though, stealing a few faces and making her way towards home.

4. Gandalf the White - Lord of the Rings

Gandalf the Grey (later Gandalf the White) is a wizard dedicated to combating the threat of Sauron. To this end, he helped form the Fellowship of the Ring.
Just like Merlin, Gandalf is an iconic and famous wizard. He guides the Fellowship of the Ring on their quest, and helps lead the free peoples in the War of the Ring. A powerful sorcerer, even before becoming Gandalf the White.
He is capable of casting a wide array of spells, and with all his knowledge, he’s practically a walking encyclopedia. Despite being an elderly wizard, he also proved to be an excellent swordsman.and even slew a Balrog. He could conjure lightning, light, and fire as well as heal wounds and create illusions.
Gandalf is the epitome of a level 20 wizard in Dungeons & Dragons. From the spells to the look. He’s kind, fair, and prefers to relax in the Shire with the hobbits. Who can blame him? Gandalf is most known for:
His intellect. He had a vast knowledge of many languages and writing systems, and at one point, had a comprehensive knowledge of Orc, Elf, and Manish magic. Much has been forgotten to time, but he still knows quite a few spells.
Wisdom. Gandalf knew that he was no match for Sauron, or Saruman, and knew his limits. He was insightful and often shared those insights and words of wisdom with the Fellowship.
Swordplay. Despite his age and aptitude for magic, Gandalf excelled with a blade. He was able to cleave through Orcs and fell a Balrog.

3. Frodo Baggins - Lord of the Rings

The bearer of the One Ring, Frodo is a good hearted Hobbit from the Shire. When he inherits the One Ring from Bilbo, he’s set on a quest to destroy it and stop Sauron for good.
Growing up in the Shire, Frodo (much like Bilbo) was viewed as a little odd. Most Hobbits were content in the Shire, but Frodo held a fascination with faraway places. After being entrusted with the One Ring, Frodo set out with Samwise on a mission to destroy the ring.
He may not be the most skilled hero, but Frodo is one of the most iconic in the genre. His most notable talent is his resistance to the One Ring, able to hold onto it longer than anyone without succumbing to its temptation. He’s surprisingly good with swordplay as well.
While I personally prefer Sam over Frodo, there’s no denying Frodo is the better known hero. He made it right to the end before succumbing to the ring’s power, and even lost a finger for it (thanks Gollum). Frodo is most known for:
Being the longest bearer of the One Ring.
Resilience, being able to resist the ring's power until he reached the fires of Mount Doom.
His kindness. He took pity on Gollum and allowed him to accompany him and Sam on their quest.

2. Jon snow - Game of Thrones

Ned Stark’s bastard, and the King in the North. Jon Snow is a fierce warrior who wants to protect Westeros from the forces of the Night King.
Living with the Starks, Jon endured a lot of bitterness and disdain from Catelyn. He was loved by his half-siblings, though, and his father. However, it’s eventually revealed that he’s no bastard at all, but Aegon Targaryen, son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. Of course, in typical hero fashion, Jon shows little interest in becoming King and so he supports Daenerys in her campaign.
He’s humble and honorable, just like his “father” Ned, even refusing to lie to Cersei about bending the knee. Jon (alright, Aegon, but let’s be real… he’s Jon) has a strong moral compass, and expert skill with a blade to back it up. He’s a hero in every sense of the word.
Jon Snow is probably one of, if not not my favorite surviving character. Despite the treatment he received, and the things he’s seen, he never once lets his morality and honor be shaken. Even when he’s constantly reminded that honor is what got his “father” killed. Even when his choices got him killed, Jon never lost his strong moral compass. He’s a good man, through and through. Jon Snow is most known for:
His bloodline. Jon is actually Aegon Targaryen, the true heir to the iron throne.
Swordplay. Jon is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, seen many times throughout the show.
Honor, seen many times throughout the show. When he meets with Cersei to call for a temporary truce to the war, he refuses to bend the knee, reaffirming his loyalty to Daenerys. A choice which irritates both her and Tyrion.
Having a strong moral compass. It’s seen many times, for example when he allows the wildlings to settle south of the wall. Much to many of the Night’s Watch dismay. A choice that would lead to a mutiny, which leads me to my second point…
His death. When the Night’s Watch mutinied, they killed Jon. He was brought back however by Melisandre.

1. Harry Potter - Harry Potter

The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter is the chosen one. Saved from death by his mother’s sacrifice, he is destined to fight and vanquish Lord Voldemort.
Harry Potter is probably the most well known wizard today. I mean, he’s gotta be important if the series is named after him, right? At just one year and three months old, his parents were killed by Voldemort. He would have been, too, if his mother hadn’t sacrificed herself to protect him. The barrier her love created protected the infant Harry from a killing curse, and destroyed Voldemort’s physical body in the process. Ever since his birth, Harry was prophesied to destroy the Dark Lord. I mean, the hero's path was practically laid out for him.
Because he harbored a fragment of Voldemort’s soul, he also had access to some of his powers, such as speaking parseltongue. Harry was an accomplished wizard, excelling especially in Defense against the Dark Arts, in which he was top of his class. Much like Hermione, it would be easier to mention what he’s not skilled in. Guess it comes with the territory when you’re a prophesied hero.
Overcoming abuse at the hands of his Aunt and Uncle, Harry never lost his kind heart. In fact, he even took a page from his mother’s book and sacrificed himself to protect his friends. He’s the savior of the wizarding world, and I doubt there’s a person alive who hasn’t at least heard of Harry Potter. He may not be a keeper in quidditch, but he’s a keeper to us! (Even I cringed at that.) Harry Potter is most known for:
Being the “Boy Who Lived,” A title given after he survived a killing curse when he was only a year old, with the protection of his mother’s charm.
His magical aptitude, especially in Defense against the Dark Arts. He excelled in that class, even surpassing Hermione. He was also able to summon a patronus at the age of thirteen.
Being the “Master of Death,” a title given when one person holds all three Deathly Hallows.
Defeating Voldemort. With all the horcruxes destroyed, he was able to defeat the Dark Lord for good.

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Posted Sep 2, 2023

Another article written for GamersDecide.com. This one is a bit lengthy, you have been warned.






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