[Top 15] Best Fantasy MMOs (Ranked Fun to Most Fun)

Brandon B.


Article Writer

My favorite spell is the one that makes you keep reading.
Flashy magic, cool staves, mystical anomalies, and secrets of the arcane. Who doesn’t love immersing themselves in a fantasy world, filled with magic and wonder? I do, and if you’re here, I’m betting you’re thinking about it too. Let’s take a look at some of the most fun Fantasy MMOs out there.

15. Neverwinter - PC, XBO, PS4

Neverwinter is a Dungeons & Dragons MMO set in Faerûn. You choose from classic D&D races (a few of which need to be purchased,) then your classic D&D class. Then, you’re set out into the world. Only to be beaten up by Valindra, a not-so-nice Lich who is threatening the people of Neverwinter. In typical MMO style, you recover and set off to save the world.
As a Dungeons & Dragons lover, I have a soft spot for Neverwinter. It has its flaws though. Graphically, it’s horribly outdated and the voice acting is average at best. But even so, it managed to keep me entertained with surprisingly challenging PvE combat. In some MMOs, you can sort of mindlessly press the same button and never have any real danger. There were several instances with Neverwinter where I slipped into that, only to find myself near death.
Character advancement is very similar to D&D, with you allotting ability score increases to your ability scores at certain levels. The leveling system has also been reworked recently. You don’t gain XP from quests or battles. You earn levels through doing the main story quests, which I actually found pretty cool. Choose this game if you like:
Highly story-driven MMOs in a world with deep lore.
A more challenging (but not outright difficult) PvE experience.
Detailed character customization, especially considering its time.
Someone should teach that guard to pick on someone his own size.

14. Black Desert - PC, iOS, Android, XBO, PS4

Black Desert. An MMORPG sandbox boasting impressive graphics, fun combat mechanics, tons of classes, tons of side activities, a good story, and amazing character creation. You’re accompanied by an adorable black spirit who acts as a guide through your adventure.
Black Desert is fun, and there’s no question about that. It has its problems, sure. I mean, who likes gender locked classes? But it’s a small price to pay for a game brimming with content. PvP, horse capturing and breeding, fishing, hunting, crafting, trading, relaxing after spending hours decorating your house, or just some good ol’ fashioned world exploration.
The combat is extremely fun, with lots of combos to memorize, and all of the classes are done well in my opinion. They recently released twin classes for the mobile and PC versions of the game, and the Woosa was more than enough to get me back on. Choose this game if you like:​
Extremely fun combo-oriented combat.
Stunning graphics.
Amazing character creation that lets you tweak almost anything.
The Musa class is so cool, dashing around with expert swordplay. Musa are what Samurai wish they could be.

13. Lost Ark - PC

Lost Ark is an MMO with a point-and-click movement system, set in a beautiful world. After choosing a class (some gender locked,) you get to go through some incredible character customization before entering the tutorial, which gives you the option to play around with your class a bit before starting the story.
Now, I am not a fan of point-and-click movement. Never have been. But, I think Lost Ark does it well. I chose a Gunner for my first class, and was pleasantly surprised. The controls took some getting used to, but taking out hordes of enemies with my bombs, specialty shots, and sharpshooting was very satisfying.
here is a skill point advancement system I didn’t really explore much with, but it looks detailed. Lost Ark focuses more on PvE, but does feature PvP elements as well. The voice acting was pretty good, and while I didn’t get that far into the story, I really liked what I experienced. Choose this game if you like:
Point-and-click games with fun combat.
Excellent graphics, character creation, and class customization.
Story driven, PvE focused games.
You can tell that’s a tower of evil, because of all the spikes. Spikes = Evil. That’s game tropes 101.

12. Path of Exile - PC, XBO, PS4, MacOS

Path of Exile is a massive MMORPG, where you find yourself exiled (shocking). While it doesn’t boast many classes, the skill tree will let you customize your character to your hearts’ content. Fight for your freedom- and your life- in a world that wants you dead.
I was apprehensive at first, honestly. I only had access to six classes, and there was no character customization whatsoever. Not to mention, Path of Exile is a point-and-click movement game, which I am not a fan of. And the graphics are subpar at best. So why, you might be asking, is it on the list?
Because I couldn’t stop playing once I started. The combat is fun and challenging, and the skill tree? Absolutely massive. It reminded me a lot of the Sphere Grid from Final Fantasy X, with different paths and branches to choose from. But on a larger scale. You could spend hours going through perks and planning the perfect build. And the PvE combat was actually challenging. I died several times just because I was overwhelmed and underprepared. But for the most part, me and my horde of buffed zombies had a great time mowing down mobs in the various zones. Choose this game if you like:
Unparalleled class customization.
A more challenging PvE environment that forces you to pay attention.
A more classic feeling game.
Nothing says “I want you dead” like a fire hammer.

11. RuneScape - PC

RuneScape is the classic MMO. Set in a fantasy world, there isn’t really a story to RuneScape. You’re free to adventure however you like. Go take on enemies, level up your skills, craft, gather, or sell. It’s up to you!
RuneScape definitely isn’t the pretty one at the dance. But what it lacks in graphical appeal, it more than makes up for in substance. There are a ton of skills to train, which unlock special abilities or recipes as you do. The combat is your classic MMO style. Click on an enemy, engage, use your hotbar actions as needed. RuneScape is a classic, whether you love it or hate it. Choose this game if you like:
A very classic feeling MMO. No frills, no fluff. Just quality content that doesn’t have to justify itself.
In depth character skills that feel meaningful to level and refine.
A game with little to no story, that focuses more on the gameplay than anything.
The towns in RuneScape really do look nice. Very quaint. I’d live there- until some weird adventurer with some ridiculous name came and started causing trouble.

10. Blade & Soul - PC, iOS, Android

Blade & Soul is a fast-paced MMO that recently got itself a little graphics update. You can choose between one of four races (though if you’re not playing Lyn, you’re wrong,) and fourteen classes. After you choose Lyn your race, you get to play in the detailed character creator. You can start at level 50, but for first time players, I’d recommend starting at level one.
Blade & Soul is a fun one, and with its recent upgrade from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4, it looks better and runs a lot more smoothly. The high fantasy eastern setting is extremely appealing, and I’ve often found myself stopping to just take in the scenery. The game has an equal balance of PvE and PvP, which is nice. PvP is split between world PvP, and Arena PvP. The combat is fun, fluid, and detailed. Choose this game if you like:
Fast paced combat.
A high fantasy or eastern setting.
A wide range of classes to choose from.
The King of Plogglekind, Giganura! All hail the king, and his fantastic hair!

9. MIR4 - PC, Mobile

Mir4 is a Korean MMO, where you can choose one of five classes and follow the story of Princess Cheonpa. It boasts PvE and PvP elements, an engaging (if a little cliche) story, and it fully voice acted in Korean, with subtitles.
While Mir4 released for the PC, it is obvious this game was meant to be played on Mobile. Everything from the UI to the combat style and the menus just screams mobile. Admittedly, I was pretty bored for a while. In the beginning, the game basically plays itself. However, as you progress and level up, you become more involved in the combat and the story. It has good graphics and character customization for a mobile MMO. There is a decent skill advancement system, and the game runs surprisingly smooth. Choose this game if you like:
Mobile MMOs.
Focus on story and PvE, with PvP taking a backseat.
Good crafting system and character advancement.
The world in Mir4 is beautiful, I’ll give it that.

8. Lord of the Rings Online - PC

Lord of the Rings Online (or LOTRO as I’ll be calling it, lazy as I am) is a free MMO that takes place in- you guessed it- Middle Earth. You can pick one of seven races, one of which needs to be purchased. And one of 11 classes, one of which again needs to be purchased. The in-game story happens in the exact timeline as the Lord of the Rings series. So while Frodo and Samwise are off on their adventure, you’ll be off on yours!
I’ll be honest. I went into LOTRO with very low expectations. Being a 2007 game, I was expecting to be bored. I was pleasantly surprised to find a good story, and the fact that it happens in the Lord of the Rings timeline just makes me feel immersed I love it. Naturally, I played a Hobbit Minstrel. And let me tell you. The Minstrel class? Easily the most fun I’ve had with a tab-target combat style. It was way too entertaining shredding on my lute and screaming my enemies to death.
I can’t wait to try out the other races and classes. The class progression is pretty good, too. You pick a specialization, and every level up, you get a skill point. For the first 5 points, you have to spend it in your spec. After that, you can spend points in other specs. A pleasant surprise. Gotta buff my songs, after all. Choose this game if you like:
Lord of the Rings. Literally. You’re playing during the events of the movies. It’s awesome.
The classic tab-target combat style, with a host of classes to choose from, and good character advancement.
A more PvE/Story based game.
Something tells me he’s not going to give them any wisdom…

7. Albion Online - PC, iOS, Android

Albion Online is a top-down click-to-move sandbox MMO. It focuses on a classless system, where players are free to develop their characters through a skill system. Abilities come from gear, rather than a class. With a good amount of PvE and PvP, there’s something for everyone to do.
I absolutely love Albion Online. You can take to the world and level up your combat skills, or just turn off your brain and focus on resource gathering. If you’re daring, pop on your PvP tag and try not to die. I like that Albion Online doesn’t railroad you. It has plenty of content to keep you entertained, while still giving you the freedom to play your way.
I love the Expedition system, which are just one person dungeons. I also can’t wait to unlock taming, which lets you tame certain animals out in the world that can be turned into mounts. Character customization is lacking in terms of appearance (save for some cosmetic items in the cash shop) but that is a small price to pay, in my opinion. Choose this game if you like:
Big sandbox games with freedom to play however you want.
A classless progression system, focused on skills to develop your playstyle.
A good balance of PvP and PvE, with PvP that can be punishing at times.
As much as I love Liches, probably best if the heroes stop him.

6. Old School RuneScape - PC, Mobile

RuneScape… but old school. Set in the world of Gielinor, OSRS is very similar to its updated counterpart. You’ll level your skills, craft, gather, trade, all in a large sandbox of a game.
The core differences between RuneScape and OSRS, in my opinion at least, are in the difficulty and combat. RuneScape received updated combat mechanics, while OSRS holds its classic limited combat close. Progression in RuneScape also seems to move a bit quicker, where OSRS offers more of a grind, with a heavier reward for leveling your skills. The numbers don’t lie though.
On average, RuneScape has 492.73k players per day (based on a monthlong analysis), whereas OSRS has 1.77 million. That’s no small gap, and to say OSRS has a dedicated fan base would be an understatement. I, personally, enjoy a little more grind if the reward is better. In my opinion, the upgrade from OSRS to RuneScape is the perfect reminder: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Choose this game if you like:
Games with extremely active player bases.
Old school graphics and old school charm.
A longer skill leveling process with better rewards.
Hope the wizards aren’t brewing up trouble. Actually… I kinda hope they are.

5. New World - PC

New World is a fast paced action MMO with plenty to do. With a classless leveling system, you’re free to build the character you want. Whether you’re carving through monsters in PvE, tackling dungeons with your friends, or tackling your friends in 3v3 PvP arenas, there’s plenty to do and plenty of skills to level.
New World had a rocky launch back in 2021, but the developers have worked hard to polish the rough edges and fine tune it into a pretty solid game. In classic MMO fashion, you can go the melee damage route, the ranged damage, the magic damage route, or the healer route. Or a hybrid, if you’re brave. One of my favorite things about New World is the music skill, which is basically just Guitar Hero in game. There are various instruments and songs to obtain, and well played songs can give off pretty strong buffs for players. Plus, who doesn’t want to chill in their favorite settlement and play some good music for their friends? For tips, I might add.
While the PvE presence is strong, I personally think there is a stronger PvP presence. Outside of the 3v3 arena, players can enter larger scale battles. Outpost Rush has teams of 20 from different factions fighting for area control, and War, which pits teams of 50 against each other. Choose this game if you like:
Classless character building, with a focus on skills to level.
Both small and large scale PvP.
A beautiful world with lots of PvE content as well.
Every hero needs a place to kick their boots off after an adventure. I’m a sucker for this aesthetic. Player housing? 10/10.

4. Guild Wars 2 - PC

Guild Wars 2 takes place in the world of Tyria. Right from the character creation screen, you’ll begin your character’s story. With nine “professions” (classes) to choose from, and five races, building a character to suit your style won’t be a challenge. Each profession has a ton of customization, with different weapons and weapon combinations offering different abilities for each class. And with both PvP and PvE content available, you’ll want to play around and find the build that works for you.
Guild Wars 2 stands out to me, not because it’s an amazing MMO (I mean, it is, but that’s not why). But because of some of its features that are just unique. Mounts, for example, have special abilities in Guild Wars 2 that make them feel unique. Not like a vanity item. Speaking of vanity though, the cosmetic aspect of Guild Wars 2 is absolutely phenomenal. There are a ton of costumes, skins, and styles to choose from, and you can really dress to the nines. Or not. Up to you.
One feature I am extremely thankful for is the voice acting. Not only is it higher quality, but a lot of story quests and content is voice acted- including your character. Yes, you heard me. Our characters actually talk. I love this feature, and having voice acted story content makes it a lot easier to get invested, rather than reading a wall of text. Choose this game if you like:
A story driven MMO with a good balance of PvE and PvP content.
Having a lot of freedom in character building, experimenting with weapons and skills.
Fluid combat with weapon-swapping on the fly.
I love the cool design of the boss but, like, kill it please. It has about four legs too many for me.

3. Final Fantasy XIV: PC, PS3, PS4, PS5

Final Fantasy XIV is a massive MMORPG that has seen amazing growth over the years. Pick from seven races, each with two subraces. And one of twenty “jobs” (classes,) though only a few are available at the start of the game. Luckily, unlike some other MMOs, you don’t need to make a new character to experience a new job. You can hit level 90 on all of them, if you want. And those are just the combat jobs. There are three gathering jobs and eight crafting jobs. You won’t soon run out of things to level.
The thing I love about Final Fantasy XIV is how much to the game there is. Bored of questing? Slap on your RP tag and immerse yourself in the community. Not a roleplayer? No problem. Spare 500k gil (in game currency) and find yourself a vacant apartment to decorate. Or, if you’re part of a “Free Company” (guild), you can go to the companies’ estate, if they have one, and buy yourself a room for 300k gil. You can decorate it however you like, too.
Don’t feel like decorating? Put together some cute glamour outfits and show ‘em off. Or, if you’re feeling generous, help out some new players with their dungeons. All instances in Final Fantasy XIV are scaled, so whether you’re level 15 or level 90, you can do any dungeon as long as you’ve unlocked it.
Worried about the player base? I’m happy to inform you that Final Fantasy XIV is very strict with their no-harassment policy, and doesn’t tolerate openly lewd or rude behavior. Unlike some MMOs I know. Choose this game if you like:
Great character customization, with a lot of cosmetic items.
A large selection of classes, all of which can be played on a single character.
A heavy RP community (mostly on the Crystal Data Center).
A very welcoming, friendly player base.
Happy Starlight Celebration from my character, her in-game husband, and her friend! And, of course, her adorable pet spriggan.

2. World of Warcraft: Dragonflight - PC

You’ve fought your way through Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, Draenor, Shadowlands. Now, it’s time to explore the Dragon Isles. The Dragonflight expansion is the newest- and some would argue the best- expansion for World of Warcraft. Complete with tons of new quests, content, exploration, and even overhauls to professions and class customization.
It’s no secret Blizzard has been on somewhat of a downward spiral, but in my opinion Dragonflight may just turn things around. Not only are the Dragon Isles absolutely gorgeous, but the Dracthyr Evoker class is a blast to play. Anybody who knows me knows I am a sucker for anything draconic, and the Dracthyr Evoker isn’t even my favorite part of the expansion. Blizzard has done away with that awful talent system and gone back to its older style of a good, fleshed out skill tree. Something many players have been missing, myself included. I’m sorry, but picking one of three talents every few levels just doesn’t excite me.
Professions also got an update, with materials now having a quality rating that can affect your crafted items. There’s also a specialization system for crafters which gives more diversity. They also introduced dragon riding (not like dragon mounts). You get to customize your dragon, and some customization options can only be unlocked through achievements, which adds a little depth to it. If you’re like me and quit WoW, Dragonflight is definitely the expansion to jump back into. Choose this game if you like:
Dragons, obviously.
Fun new mechanics being introduced to a game that was getting stale.
Deeper class customization and professions.
I bet that guy is blown away by the Dracthyr Evoker. Hah.

1. Elder Scrolls Online - PC, PS4, XBO, PS5, XBSX/S

Elder Scrolls Online is an MMO set in the fantasy world of Tamriel. A world many are familiar with, set a millennium before the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and 800 years before Morrowind and Oblivion. With the classic nine races, and six playable classes, you’ll take to Tamriel. Fighting anything from corrupt leaders to the forces of the daedra.
While six classes might not seem like a lot, the classes are really just a skill line. Everything in ESO goes off of a skill line. There are weapon skills, faction skills, racial skills, and even supernatural skills if you’d like to be a vampire or werewolf (oh yeah, I said what I said). So in truth, you could build your character without ever actually putting a point into any of your class skills. This, in my opinion, allows for a much deeper and fleshed out character creation, as almost every non-passive skill has “morphs” that allow you to further customize your build.
The story is amazing, and the voice acting is good. The combat is fun, fluid and exciting. When you get bored with killing bad guys (or good guys,) you can retire to your home for some decorating. Or maybe do some fishing or crafting. Elder Scrolls Online may have had a rocky start, but it’s safe to say it’s solidified itself as one of the most fun MMOs on the market. Choose this game if you like:
Deep, rich lore in a well established fantasy world.
Amazing build customization that doesn’t limit your skill choices.
A healthy balance of PvP and PvE content.
He just wants to tell you about his lord and savior, Hircine.

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Posted Sep 2, 2023

Another article I wrote for GamersDecide.com






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