Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux - A Blog Article

Nicole Writes



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Natural Remedies - Acid Reflux

We have all experienced that burning sensation in our chest at some point. But what exactly is acid reflux and what causes it? Let’s discuss natural remedies for acid reflux and learn more about this common but painful condition. 

The Cause 

Acid reflux is caused by a dysfunction in the lower esophageal sphincter. This sphincter is supposed to close after food has passed through. On some occasions, this sphincter remains slightly open allowing some of the gastric acids from the lower digestive system through. This is the burning sensation that you experience when you have reflux - the acid travelling up your esophagus (the tube that connects your throat and your stomach). 
Most people believe that acid reflux is caused by too much acid in the body. Research shows that low stomach acid is a major cause of reflux. Once the acid travels back up your esophagus your stomach acid is lowered and digestion is altered, which causes the unpleasant reflux symptoms. Researchers also blame the modern diet which is high in processed foods and sugar for reflux and GERD.

Acid Reflux Symptoms

While that burning sensation is a clear telltale that you have reflux, there are some other symptoms to look out for:
A bitter taste in your mouth 
Dry Mouth
Feeling like you are choking or coughing in the night
Bad breath
Gum irritation or bleeding 
Bloating after meals
Black stools
Belching and gassiness after meals
Bloody vomiting
Unexpected weight loss
Hoarseness when you wake up and throughout the day
Chronic throat irritation and dryness
While not every one of the symptoms indicates reflux when you experience them individually, if you are experiencing many of these symptoms together then you might want to try some natural remedies and see if they subside. It is important to note that natural remedies are our first line of defense if symptoms don’t get better and get worse, it is always a good idea to seek medical advice. Acid reflux can lead to more serious conditions such as Barrett’s esophagus, cancer of the esophagus, sleep-related problems and chronic coughing.

GERD is the Word

GERD is the short term for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This is the condition that untreated severe and frequent acid reflux contributes to, and is most commonly referred to as heartburn. As mentioned above, people suffering from GERD are not suffering from too much stomach acid, instead, they are suffering from acid in the wrong place. The most common symptoms of GERD include chest pains, chest pains and difficulty swallowing. Most GERD symptoms happen after eating.

The Acid Reflux Diet

By now we all know how important our diet is for our health. If you suffer from any form of acid reflux, there are certain foods and drinks that you can incorporate into your daily diet to help improve the symptoms and possibly eliminate it. There are also specific certain foods that you can and should avoid that aggravate the reflux more than others. 
Almost every single study done on GERD and acid reflux points to a poor diet and processed foods as a major contributing factor. Not only are the processed foods themselves bad for these reflux disorders, but the overconsumption of them. People have lost the art of mindful eating and often overeat. Research also shows that common food sensitivities are also contributing factors to these conditions and we need to be aware of these “repeat offenders” in our diet.

Foods to Include in your Diet

Bone broth made from grass-fed beef has essential elements for gut health such as collagen and glutamine
Kefir and cultured yoghurt help balance gut bacteria
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut
Kombucha for its probiotics and healthy bacteria
Raw apple cider vinegar helps lessen symptoms
Coconut water helps replenish electrolytes and minerals that the acid may destroy
Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory 
Green leafy vegetables
All squash 
Wild-caught tuna and salmon
Healthy fats including ghee
Raw cow’s milk cheese
Raw honey
Herbal Teas
Filtered water
Aloe Vera juice
Many of these foods are good for people who experience digestive issues and can help treat IBS and leaky gut, as well as aiding weight loss as mentioned in this article:

Foods to Avoid

Alcohol, especially close to bedtime or when eating other foods that cause symptoms
Caffeine can irritate the inflamed esophageal tube 
Carbonated drinks, including mineral water
Sugar and artificial sweeteners which all cause inflammation
Processed foods, especially those containing soy, corn, salt and potato (crackers, chips, cereals, etc.)
Fatty fried foods that are difficult to digest
Dairy products (excluding yoghurt and kefir if you aren’t intolerant)
Vegetable oils that are processed like sunflower and canola oil
Spicy foods can worsen the burning sensation, opt for blander types of foods
Tomatoes and tomato-based products can cause irritation
Citrus fruits and juices are acidic and can worsen the symptoms 
Processed grains
Creamy dressings and sauces, try making your own healthy alternatives
Peppermint and mind have been found to make symptoms worse 
The benefit of cutting these foods out of your diet is not only will it help with your acid reflux or GERD symptoms, but it will benefit your health in other areas too!

Lifestyle Changes

In addition to changing the way that you eat, there are some lifestyle changes that you can make to help improve your overall health and rid your body of these painful reflux symptoms. 
Practice mindful eating and chew your food well, this prevents you from overeating and helps your digestive system to not work as hard to break down the food. Digestion starts in the mouth! 
Don’t eat before bed. Your last meal should be 3 hours before bed which allows your digestive system to finish working before you go to bed.
Wear comfortable clothing. Tight and restrictive clothes can worsen symptoms and cause unnecessary pain, especially after eating. 
Sleep on your side and raise your head. Don’t just add pillows but raise the top of your bed by placing bricks underneath the feet. This can help prevent the acid from travelling up your esophagus and keep it in your stomach. 
Manage stress. Stress can cause increased acid production which will worsen reflux symptoms. Try practicing meditation, sitting out in the sun and taking walks.
Exercise moderately. Research shows that high-intensity workouts can aggravate reflux symptoms. Also, choose to exercise earlier in the day.
STOP Smoking. Not only are you damaging your lungs but research proves that smoking can relax your sphincter causing your stomach acid to rise. Even second-hand smoke can make symptoms worse. 
Don’t rely on over the counter medication. These temporarily treat the symptoms but have other long term side effects to be aware of.

Natural Remedies

Before reaching for your 100th antacid tablet for the day, consider these natural remedies for treating acid reflux. By treating yourself naturally you manage to steer clear of short and long term side effects of prescription drugs and you also treat the cause of the reflux instead of only managing the symptoms. 

Here are our top 5 herbal remedies:

Herbal Teas

This is a great way to manage and treat acid reflux. Sip on chamomile, ginger and papaya tea throughout the day. These reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and support its healthy functioning. Papaya can help digestion by breaking down the proteins in foods. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

This can be an incredible remedy for reflux. Drink 1 Tablespoon diluted in half a glass of warm water before big meals. This can help with digestion, help add good bacteria into your body and is antibacterial. Always look for a good quality raw apple cider vinegar.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey has amazing antibacterial properties and has helped man people with digestive and stomach issues such as SIBO, healing stomach ulcers and helping with low stomach acid

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera juice is naturally anti-inflammatory and protects the lining of the stomach and digestive tract. Drink the appropriate amount (see the bottle for directions) before your meals to prevent heartburn symptoms.

Baking Soda

Baking soda has a pH level of 7.0 which makes it a basic substance. It can be helpful for that acid burning pain and can neutralize the acid build-up. Simply mix ½ to 1 teaspoon in a glass of water and drink it as needed. It is important to not drink this for more than 7 days because it can cause other issues. 

Other Natural Remedies to Consider:

Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics

Take 2 good quality digestive enzymes before each main meal. These help to fully digest your food and absorb the nutrients you need. 
Take 25-50 billion units of probiotics a day. This will help your gut to be replenished with good bacteria which will help balance the digestive tract and get rid of bad bacteria.

Hydrochloric acid

HCL with pepsin should be taken before each meal. Research has shown that HCL can dramatically improve acid reflux and GERD symptoms.

The Problem with OTC Drugs

It’s tempting to just head to the pharmacy and pick up those antacids or prescribed reflux meds your doctor gave you. The problem is that these temporarily help the symptoms but never really treat the root cause all while creating other side effects. Side effects that are seen long term can include IBS, depression, anemia, chronic liver disease and fatigue. In fact, the FDA has recommended that people do not take these medications over a long period of time because it has some detrimental effects on your health. If you would like to learn more about the effects of conventional treatments all you have to do is run a google search to discover that this is not the way to go.

Say Goodbye to Reflux

By simply changing your diet, which will benefit your body as a whole, making a few lifestyle changes and introducing some herbal remedies, you can treat the symptoms and the cause of acid reflux before it turns into something worse. 
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Posted Oct 18, 2024

Blog Article written for a client on natural remedies for acid reflux. All research and content was written by me for the client who then posted it to her blog.







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