#dhnCampaigner | Website development

Linus Saisi


Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




#defyhatenow wanted an online platform where they could run campaigns in a way that was fun, collaborative, and educative. My job was to implement their web design and create a website where they could post their campaigns

Who is #defyhatenow

#defyhatenow works on providing community-based and data-driven solutions to the problem of hate speech, disinformation and misinformation. Our work focuses on creating a framework for increasing trust between stakeholders through mobilizing civic action against all forms of hate speech and incitement to violence, including through disinformation created via the Covid-19 pandemic.
#defyhatenow seeks to support the voices and actions of citizens working against online induced conflict within and outside affected regions by bringing youth, community leaders, grassroots organizations and further civil society stakeholders into a peace-oriented media and information literacy framework. Bridging gaps of knowledge and awareness of social media mechanisms between those with access to technology and those without, #defyhatenow is a growing network of online and offline peacebuilders.
We run campaigns regularly to create awareness about hate speech, disinformation and misinformation and to engage stakeholders such as journalists.
Check them out


I was brought into the project during the design of the user interface and user experience. I took part by providing insights into how the end users will use the website. I also advised on the role of in-house editors and how we can meet the requirements while satisfying data privacy. In the end,we settled on this design:
Check out the rest of the design here


After the design, I took full responsibility of the project and my job was to convert the design to a web application. I built the frontend of the app where outside users could interact with the website and added a dashboard for the in-house editors to post and edit campaigns. This was the result:
#dhnCampaigner Single Campaign
#dhnCampaigner Home
You can check out the website:
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Posted Sep 10, 2024

#dhnCampaigner is an online tool that makes it simple for non-profits such as #defyhatenow to build, list, and share campaigns






Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer




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