Manta Genus 51 Totem



3D Designer

Graphic Designer

3D Modeler

Adobe Photoshop


Rhino 3D

Manta Genus 51 Totem
Manta Genus 51 Totem

Manta Genus 51 Totem

Instructor : Patrick Donbeck

This project aims to delve into the fascinating realm of numerical symbolism and its ability to evoke diverse systemic, formal, and narrative expressions.
Combining the ancient art of tarot reading with modern architectural concepts, this endeavor bridges tradition and innovation. Through immersive experiences with professional tarot readers, the narrative gleaned from readings is transformed into captivating minimal surfaces, offering audiences a unique journey through the story encapsulated in each reading.
In the art of tarot reading, selecting the appropriate spread is paramount, imbuing readings with chronology, context, and depth. Each spread possesses unique significance, as the positions within carry nuanced meanings tailored to the querent and their inquiries. Moreover, understanding the intricate meanings of tarot cards enriches readings, providing essential details that illuminate the narrative woven within each draw. From the Celtic Cross to the Three-Card Spread, each layout serves a distinct purpose, tailored to the individual and their quest for insight.
The exploration of Tarot card reading
The exploration of Tarot card reading
The contruction of totem
The contruction of totem
The contour experimenation of contructing totem
The contour experimenation of contructing totem
Visualization of totem
Visualization of totem
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Posted Mar 18, 2024

Explore the fusion of building block numbers and tarot readings, crafting captivating minimal surfaces to bring narratives to life.






3D Designer

Graphic Designer

3D Modeler

Adobe Photoshop


Rhino 3D

Nakasatien Research and Rehabilitation Center
Nakasatien Research and Rehabilitation Center
Astronomical Observatory Institution
Astronomical Observatory Institution