The creation path will finally lead us to Excellency. This is the point at which the capabilities of human beings will see the tremendous extension, according to Nishant et al. (2020). The
technology will connect minds, and ideas and thoughts will mostly be shared by
a simple flick of the mind, for instance, through deep fakes. According to Tom
Simonite (2020), Deep fakes have become a hot training too. Today’s presentation
has been enabled by AI-developed software. Humans can connect with other life
forms, like plants, animals, and other natural activities, through artificial
intelligence. Therefore artificial intelligence can be used in many different
spectra of life, such as in machine translations, online shopping and
advertising, the development of cars, web search, online virtual assistance,
smart cities, homes, and infrastructure(Imaged, new scientist). Various issues
surround artificial intelligence, ranging from legal to ethical issues,
including privacy and surveillance, bias and discrimination, limited knowledge,
trust deficit, and potentially the psychological challenge, which is the role
of human judgment (Bernd Debusmann Jr.2021).