Transcription project

Bonface Kyalo



Financial Analyst


Name: Bonface Kyalo
Phone no: +254 746865482
Address :18058-00500,Nairobi,Kenya.
Profile Summary
I am Bonface Kyalo an extensive, experienced and resourceful transcriber. I am a transcriptionist seeking for an avenue where I can maximize my skills. I have vast experience and proper mastery of transcription styles including but not limited to clean read, clean up legal, special clean read, verbatim, verbatim light, live captioning and subtitles.
I also do possess accurate fast typing skills and sound knowledge of computer applications. I do have excellent writing and communication skills and a strong desire to work smart and perform well. I am also expert in data entry, Google docs,google spreadsheets, Full MS office and other related programs.
2016-2021         Tertiary
2013-2016          Secondary
Live captioner – May 2021 to date             
Reviewer         -June 2021 to date
Reviewer       - August to date
v  Fast typing skills
v  Remarkable writing skills in English language
v  Excellent comprehension and formatting.
v  Good internet research skills.
v  Active listening
v  Good time management
v  Familiarity with transcription tools and resources.
v  Scribe
v  Ooona
v  Sonix and other related transcription software’s.
Hereby I enclose, a complete version of verbatim work,
 Hon Junet: The other committee that was spoken to by the majority leader that supposed to be formed in the afternoon Mr. speaker shall be done by a selection committee Mr. speaker. The selection committee he’s the chairman of that committee Mr. speaker. My party which seats in this House Mr. speaker has no membership of that selection committee Mr. speaker.
[background noise]
So, I’m wondering how he’s going to form another committee without having membership of all sides of the house Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker: That probably is not factual honorable Junet.
Hon Junet: Mr. Speaker I know
Mr. Speaker: That’s probably not factual because a select committee need not necessarily be formed by a selection committee.
That’s why I’m saying …we proceed anyway because you were actually prosecuting your case very well.
Hon Junet: But Mr. Speaker, I can tell you for sure that there’s no membership from our side in any committee that will be formed for now and the near future Mr. Speaker. Mr. Mr. Speaker... why are you irritated.
Mr. Speaker: You know I don’t know why you are eager, why you are making the members very excited your honorable, but let me see if we can. Let’s hear what he’s prosecuting, if he we still think that we are not clear then we can [Crosstalk]
Hon Duale:  In this House, the last time Mr. Speaker
Mr. Speaker; what’s your point of order the leader because really, I wanted honorable Junet to be heard fairly.
Hon Duale: Mr. Speaker, you have heard honorable Junet, the defacto spokesperson of Baba said, “I want to tell this House that there will be no committee that will be formed either [unintelligible] or otherwise from their side.”
Mr. Speaker, the only person as per the standing orders, who can make that definite statement, is the leader of the minority who is honorable John Mbandi. Mr. Speaker, are we seeing a coup within the opposition?
[ laughs ]
That honorable Junet wants to take over a legitimate office of another member through a [Inaudible]
[ laughs ]
Mr. Speaker: Honorable Junet proceed, I can see you have only three minutes I don’t want to be squandered by members [inaudible]
Hon. Junet: I’m holding brief for the minority leader Mr. Speaker, who is away on official business for the party. Mr. Speaker the last time we discussed amendments to a bill on election. Like what we are about to discuss Mr. Speaker, in the 11th Parliament Mr. Speaker was a very important part, Mr. Speaker, I remember we formed a bi partisan party Mr. Speaker, where I even sat Mr. Speaker.
The issue was so important Mr. Speaker, not the way it is being handled casually like this Mr. Speaker. That because you have numbers, you can just bring amendments to the House Mr. Speaker and you expect them to go through Mr. Speaker.
This is a very important matter to this country Mr. Speaker. This is changing the rules of the game and the meaning of the game Mr. Speaker, and I’m sure if I heard Jubilee very clearly, they said President won the election, Mr. Speaker.
If he has won, we don’t need to change the rules Mr. Speaker. The rules should remain the same and you will still win with all rules that you used Mr. Speaker. What is this that has desisted Mr. Speaker from the rules to be changed midway if Hon Duale is aware of that or he’s confirming the president won Mr. Speaker?
Mr. Speaker, under Article 10 in the Constitution Mr. Speaker under values and principles, Mr. Speaker. When parliament is enacting a law Mr. Speaker, they must regard the matter of national Unity Mr. Speaker. We have to address ourselves to these amendments whether they are enhancing unity, Mr. Speaker or they are going to create disunity, Mr. Speaker.
Because for sure and from the tractions that I have Mr. Speaker, we are not going to allow these amendments to go anywhere Mr. Speaker. I can tell you for free, Mr. Speaker these are very important issues that should have conversed in a bi-partisan manner Mr. Speaker…can you protect me from my grandfather [crosstalk]… who is a grandfather Mr. Speaker
Mr. Speaker: Order Hon Junet, I would have wanted to protect you, but you see you are completely wading in to the merits of the bills that will come, and yet we had agreed on that we really need to talk--
Hon Junet: So, I’m coming back to Mr. Speaker now.
Mr. Speaker: ---the redemption of the period
Hon Junet: I don’t support this motion because Mr. Speaker these issues are grievous matters Mr. Speaker to this country. Mr. Speaker, I request that the majority leader to shelf this bill and let us discuss it in a bi-partisan manner.
Mr. Speaker, let us look at the merit of the issues that they want to bring and Mr. Speaker, ordinarily the people who should be bringing amendments of this nature are the IEBC, Mr. Speaker they should be the originators of this matter Mr. Speaker.
Hon. Junet: Because they are the ones who are going to conduct the national elections Mr. Speaker unless Jubilee wants to be a player and at the same time want to conduct the elections and the referee.
Mr. Speaker: your time is over I’ve added you a minute, the time is over.
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Posted Feb 8, 2023

I am a transcriptionist with vast experience and mastery of transcription styles including but not limited to clean read, verbatim,clean up legal and full verb







Financial Analyst


Bonface Kyalo

Financial Analyst,writer,Transcriptionist

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Financial Analysis Project
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