Copywriting + Marketing Strategy

Breanna Gunn


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Train Your Money Like You Train Your Body

Check Your Ego at the Door & Get Your Money In Shape With Financial Coaching


We don’t need to tell you you could be doing better things with your money. You already know it’s true. 

🏋️ If you do the work in the gym, you know you’ll get fitter & stronger.
🏋️ If you work with Fiscal Fitness PHX, the same will happen with your money.

Would you train for Mr. (or Ms.) Olympia without a coach?

Of Course Not!

You have a plan to train your body. Now you need a plan to train your money.

Thank goodness you found us!

Here’s a fun fact: creating a training schedule – a PLAN – for your money is the absolute fastest way to get what you want out of life, like:
Your bills? PAID (and never late).
That new coach you want to work with? DONE. 
Your monthly supplements? PAID FOR.
That vacation you’ve been wanting to take? PLANNED & DEPOSIT PAID.
Imagine knowing that you are training your money – having confidence that your bills and your “fun” things (which you should ABSOLUTELY have!) are taken care of…day in and day out. 

THAT is being Fiscally Fit.

[PIC OF Kelsa & Jill]

The Average Amount of Debt Paid Off By Clients After Working With Us is $38,000, & Those Same Clients Increased Their Net Worth by $187,590 in just one year.

Our clients say…

[Testimonial] | [Testimonial] | [Testimonial] | [Testimonial]
At Fiscal Fitness, planning is our superpower. We will help you see your money clearly and create a rock-solid plan so that your financial decisions become no-brainers that you look forward to with grudging respect – kind of like leg day.

Meet the Brains Behind Fiscal Fitness Phoenix…

Hi, I’m Kelsa! 
Fitness has always been a HUGE part of my life – but until I found powerlifting, I had serious shiny object syndrome – in high school, I participated in volleyball and softball and even tried speed skating…in college, I taught aerobics, and went on to become Crossfit Level 1 Certified. I have always loved fitness. It wasn’t until I tried powerlifting that I really felt like I’d found my “thing.”
Street Cred
After 7 years as a financial advisor and corporate accountant, I realized that I didn’t want to sell investments and insurance or deal with corporate red tape. 
So in 2010, I quit my corporate job that was draining my life force and affecting my marriage so I could start my own business as a financial coach. Guess what? I haven’t looked back.
Hi, I’m Jill!
I’ve always loved fitness – but the sports that I’m drawn to have all been solitary sports – starting with karate and track as a kid, and as an adult, I’ve dabbled in yoga, hiking, and even ballroom dancing…but when I found powerlifting, I knew I found my home. I love to push myself to see how far I can go, and I currently have my sights set on a PR and Arizona state record at my next meet.  
Street Cred
When my husband and I found ourselves on the verge of bankruptcy, we turned to Fiscal Fitness and created a life-altering shift. 
When the opportunity came to join the Fiscal Fitness team in 2017, I jumped at the chance. Now, as the Director of Coaching and Programming, I support our team as we create a real impact on families and finances around the world. 
Here at Fiscal Fitness PHX, we’ve worked hard to build a team of powerhouse, badass financial coaches. These coaches have completed our super-intensive financial coach training and were top of their class  – our team of top-tier financial coaches are quite literally waiting to help you whip your money into shape.

Financial coaching is about so much more than your budget. It’s about living your life on your terms – with the same passion you apply to your fitness. 

Passion is defined as the strong inclination or impulse that drives someone to engage in something they like, find important, and consider justified to spend time and effort doing. 
Passion fuels motivation.
More than that, passion is one component of why a person sees their life as worth living and something that becomes an important component of their identity.
We know that you’re passionate about your gains – your goals – your dreams for your physique. That passion is why you show up day in, day out, whether you’re exhausted, sore, or you have a HUGE project at work, that means you’re only getting a couple of hours of sleep tonight. 
It’s our job to help you learn to apply that same passion – that drive –  to your money. 

Imagine going to shows, getting on stages, hiring that absolute dream bodybuilding coach, or finally investing in that show suit you’ve been wanting..without worrying that you’ll have to eat ramen for the rest of the year (because carbs + gains isn’t always a good thing…). 

[Testimonial] | [Testimonial] | [Testimonial] | [Testimonial]
We polled our clients, our social media accounts, and even our own gym (yes, really!), and everyone (100%!!) said that when it comes to their finances, they want more… 


But here’s the thing…if you’re not taking action, that is never, ever going to happen. 
It’s like January at the gym…when literally everyone suddenly decides that this year is the year that they will finally get in shape, lose weight, or get their revenge bod…
But after a month or so…who’s left? YOU. Your friends. Your workout partner. 
The gym-dwellers who showed up on a Thursday in May and continue to show up regularly because they are driven to create massive change in their body. 
Those “January People” show up expecting a massive shift in their physique in a ridiculously short window of time. You and I both know that’s not how fitness works. 
…yet, when it comes to money, we expect huge gains in short spans of time – something we know in our core is not achievable in the gym. 
The shift that you need is not a quick change…it’s a slow build with incredible, Arnold Classic-level results – so that you end up with the ultimate flex: having control (and confidence) of your goals — for your body, for your money, and for your financial goals. 
Training your money takes time and effort – but far less than spending 2-hours each day at the gym because you have major gains and goals to achieve. 

You’re naturally competitive when you’re lifting. 

But with money? 
You don’t have a plan – you have pipe dreams. And that feels downright shitty. You’ve spent way too long putting off your finances…but the pain of uncertainty is knocking on your door. And it’s getting louder.
Let’s change that. Together. 

Eureka Sessions

In just 2 hours, you can totally change your money story – that’s about the length of ONE training session. It’s time to create a crystal clear picture of your money & a plan for how to work it going forward.  
How would it feel if you had…
A solid training plan – one that eliminates the guesswork around managing your money.
Guidance around spending intentionally, saving with a purpose,  leveraging or paying off debts, and maximizing your income.. 
A budget with numbers you can live with. We won’t take away your fancy coffee or protein powder (we can’t live without those things either!)
A savings strategy so that you could be confident, secure, and ready to tackle not only what life throws at you, but the fun, lifestyle expenses you want to enjoy too! Hello, monthly massages! 
A strategy for tackling your debt so that you are leveraging it properly and tackling it as quickly as possible.
Think of your Eureka Session financial coach as your “personal money trainer.” We are as passionate about training your money as you are about smashing your next PR.   

Individuals & Couples

Step 1: Book Your SessionStep 2: Complete Your Money Prep (don’t stress - your Sunday meal prep takes longer!)
Step 3: Your Financial Coach will review your Money Prep & create an action plan that is actually doable (a $2000value)
Step 4: Meet with your Financial Coach (for 2 hours) to discuss your plan, ask questions, and decide what your next steps should be (PRICELESS*) 
That’s a $2000 value…

$2000 $597

Button: Let’s Train My Money!


Step 1: Book Your SessionStep 2: Complete Your Money Prep (don’t stress - your Sunday meal prep takes longer!)
Step 3: Your Financial Coach will review your Money Prep & create an action plan that is actually doable (a $4000value)
Step 4: Meet with your Financial Coach (for 2.5 hours) to discuss your plan, ask questions, and decide what your next steps should be (PRICELESS*)
That’s a $4000 value…

$4000 $797

Button: Let’s Train My Money!
*The actual financial gains you’ll see out of YOUR Eureka Session depend on a lot of factors. Past Session attendees have seen financial gains from $5,000-$50,000 over the next 12-month period…or even $500-$10,000 in just their first month (after a Eureka Session).  

Still on the Fence?

“I’m a smart person. I can figure this out on my own. I just need a better budget/have to watch my spending/work harder.”
You ARE smart, and you might be able to figure it out on your own, but when you hire a financial coach, you’re hiring a money expert.
We’ve worked with hundreds of clients, seen all kinds of budgets, and talk about money all day, every day. When you work with a coach, you get an easy-to-follow, foolproof plan for your money (one that you cannot wait to implement).
Kind of how you might hire a personal trainer to help you achieve a fitness goal…
“Financial coaching feels like a lot. I need something easier. There has to be a simpler solution where I don’t have to be as hands-on.”
Let us give it to you straight: you won’t ever be completely hands-off with your money. 
Much like you can’t train really hard at the start of the month and take the rest of the month off, you can’t only pay attention to your money one day out of the month.
Money is a lifelong journey, just like your health and fitness.
The thing is, budgeting (especially in the beginning) is hard. But you know what else is hard? 
Not having a budget. 
Not having a budget means constantly chasing after purchases that have already occurred. It means being reactive instead of proactive. It means putting out fires instead of taking smaller, consistent action. 
And it’s WAY easier than what you’re doing now. Promise.
“If I could only find the right app or program, it would all be better.”
That “perfect” app or program or template you’re looking for? It doesn’t exist. 
These tools are designed for the masses. They’ll work until they don’t. They might be great for short-term gains, but rarely are they THE solution. 
Once again, those apps are ok. But they’re not great. And we’re shooting for great.
Don’t see your question? CLICK HERE to shoot the Fiscal Fitness PHX team a message – we’ll read it, AND answer it - either by sharing a helpful link, an IG story or a Reel (yes, really!). 
If you’ve made it this far, you obviously know that understanding and training your money needs to happen. But you’re hesitating…why? 
We know how passionate you are when it comes to fitness. 
We know how dedicated you are to getting real, visible gains. 
We know you want to accelerate your results in the gym…but you need help managing, training, and understanding your money. 
If you’ve been putting off financial stability hoping that you’d suddenly have an epiphany, or meet a wealthy someone to sponsor your BIG show goals…a Eureka Session is as close as you’re gonna get (seriously!).  
It’s time to do the work and take control of your money’s performance. And it all starts here:

Book Your Eureka Session Now.

In just 2 hours, you can totally change your money story – that’s about the length of ONE training session. It’s time to create a crystal clear picture of your money & a plan for how to work it going forward.  

Individuals & Couples

Step 1: Book Your Session
Step 2: Complete Your Money Prep (don’t stress - your Sunday meal prep takes longer!)
Step 3: Your Financial Coach will review your Money Prep & create an action plan that is actually doable (a $$$value)
Step 4: Meet with your Financial Coach (for 2 hours) to discuss your plan, ask questions, and decide what your next steps should be (a $$$value) 
That’s a $$ value…

$PRICE $597

Button: Let’s Train My Money!


Step 1: Book Your Session
Step 2: Complete Your Money Prep (don’t stress - your Sunday meal prep takes longer!)
Step 3: Your Financial Coach will review your Money Prep & create an action plan that is actually doable (a $$$value)
Step 4: Meet with your Financial Coach (for 2.5 hours) to discuss your plan, ask questions, and decide what your next steps should be (a $$$value)
That’s a $$ value…

$PRICE $797

Button: Let’s Train My Money!
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Posted Aug 31, 2023

Total revamp of the brand voice. I worked closely with the brand's existing team members to create website + funnel + email + social media copy.






Fiscal Fitness Phoenix


Email Marketer



Google Drive

Breanna Gunn

Crafting Compelling Brand Stories

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