Academic Writing Excellence: A Case Study

Sanchari Das


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The high-performing organisation consists of a goal-oriented workforce who have expertise
and complementary skills. The thesis deals with the current strategies used by high
performing organisations to stand out in the crowd. The strategies applied by HR and their
importance are discussed in the thesis. The global trends which impact the HR strategies are
discussed as well. The importance of High high-performing workforce which helps the
organisation achieve its goals is narrated. The key drivers of employee engagement and
the contribution of Hr professionals are described in detail further. The effective
management and leadership practices resulting in the organisation's success are discussed as well.

Importance of HR strategy

The HR strategy in building a high-performing workforce and striving towards the goal of
creating a successful organisation is significant. As per the views of Kareem (2019), the
training and development of employees results in improving performance of the team. The
training courses consist of planned programs drafted by the HR team of the organisation to
help the employees understand the goals and targets. In support of this view, another article
authored by Douglas (2018) has suggested another strategy such as an organisational
development program, which is adopted by the HR professionals to enhance the performance of the organisation. Through this program, the organisation can amplify its effectiveness.
The program implements a process of process to improve individual, group and overall
organisational performance. These kinds of HR strategies help improve organisational
performance and help achieve the goal of success. HR strategies such as employee
career development act as an important step towards a high-performance workforce and
effective organisation. This strategy focuses on providing employees with work which suits
their career interests, needs and goals. This serves satisfaction among the employees which
in turn is beneficial to extract their fullest potential. The HR strategies regarding
organisational effectiveness by taking advantage of the environmental opportunities have
been considered important. For the evaluation of organisational effectiveness, different
approaches are used by the HR team of a specific organisation. The system resource
approach acts as an important strategy. As opined by Kareem (2019), the goal approach and
strategic constituency approach are the different approaches used by a company to measure organisational effectiveness. The goal approach is a strategy aimed at profits, innovation and quality. The strategic constituency approach focuses on the expectation of stakeholders
and their interests which is crucial for the organisation. Employee performance tracking
is an important strategy taken by HR teams of the organisation. Since the employees are the
core assets of any organisation it is important to track their performance on regular intervals.
This ensures the company’s growth and restricts the growth from becoming stagnant. The
different strategies used by HR to make sure the company keeps running towards the goal of achieving success.

Global trends impacting HR

Global trends such as digitalization and robotization have impacted HR and the
organisation in many ways. As per the views of Mazurchenko & Maršíková (2019),
organisations have to deal with the consistent flow of new technologies. The rapid
digitalisation of the firms along with the changing demands of the consumers has become an
emerging global trend. The responsibilities of HR in coping with rapid changes and
forming strategies to overcome the obstacles by adding value to the organisation. The HR
supervises the employee’s career aspect by forming different career development programs
and helping them cope with the rapid digital growth. Global trends like the development of
artificial intelligence, cloud computing, social media and many more bring new interfaces
to the HR team. This influences the decisions and strategies taken by the HR team of the
organisation. The steps taken to deal with digitisation by the HR team are the usage of digital
tools and apps. In this digital era HR professionals have to come up with strategies that
aim at the wellbeing of the employee as well as the sustainability of the organisation. There
are some positive and negative aspects of these new digital trends on the organisation.
The positive aspect of digitisation is that the quality of work has increased with fewer errors.
operation frequency has reached its height with the emerging digital trend. The maintenance
of data confidentiality has increased as well. Digitisation has also empowered HR
professionals as the technologies help the recruitment and decision-making process. The
usage of social media to help the company grow digitally has been considered to be a skill
necessary among HR professionals. The diagram below shows the importance
of digital skills needed by HR professionals. The global trends of increasing social media
impact any kind of business and jobs. The HR team has been impacted by the global
trend of Digitisation, robotization and social media. The digital skill among the HR
professional has become one of the key skills for the growth of the company and everyone

Importance of high performing workforce

The current business demands a high performing workforce to ensure the sustainability of the
organisation. As stated by Toma & Marinescu (2018), a high performing workforce in the
existing business model is required to support the context of maintaining a chaotic business
environment. According to the development of a workforce and positive employee
engagement from the perspective of productivity and growth factors in the business, a high-performing workforce is developed through the involvement of employee motivation within
the working area. The literature has provided the idea for implementing a potential
framework to enhance the high-performing workforce within an organisation such as
“excellence business models”. The condition for an effective workforce with high-performance ability has been determined through this model by supporting national and
international aspects of the business approach. A continuous improvement and assessment of
the organisational performance have been addressed through the involvement of a grounded
framework, which helps formulate a high performing workforce. In contrast to this
point, another article authored by Sharma & Yarlagadda (2018) has developed an argument
that a high-performing workforce can be encouraged through science and technology more
effectively rather than the single use of business models.
As per the views of Munteanu (2018), a high-performing workforce is needed for the rapid
growth of the company. The agility of the workforce ensures that unexpected changes in the
volatile environment can be handled by the employees. The agility culture within the human
resources in the organisations needs to be created and developed. A high performing
workforce is needed for the constant growth of the company. And that can be done by the use
of communication among the employees in regards to the HR strategy. The techniques
adopted by the HR department of a company to ensure a high performing workforce are
selective recruitment and testing methods. The different programs to attract the best
employees and extract their potential to the fullest are organised by the HR team. The
retention programs focus on encouraging the best employees. Other important
measures to ensure high performance within the organisation include health insurance,
loyalty programs and fair pay and reward programs.

Key drivers of employee engagement and contribution of HR professionals

Employee engagement has a significant impact from the HR perspective. According to
the views of Tepayakul & Rinthaisong, (2018) employee engagement matters a lot to the
HR community. Employee engagement is directly connected to the recognition of
young talents and also helps avoid employee turnover. The employee engagement is also
linked to the overall growth of the organisation. The key drivers of employee engagement are
meaningful and important work along with career growth and good workplace
relationships. The organisational culture plays a huge role in employee engagement.
Effective management practices within the organisation matter a lot. Leadership within the
organisation using innovative methods and involving effective communication methods to
keep open communication among the workforce results in employee engagement.
The HR professional contributes in making a company successful and making the employees
engage in work fully by extracting their full potential. The HR professionals contribute by
choosing talented people through effective recruitment strategies. The task of not only
identifying the talented and useful employee but also placing them in a position which is
compatible with their interests and talents. Encouraging the employees to
work more effectively using dedication by providing them with incentives and rewards is
done by the HR team. It is the responsibility of the HR team to spot the right people place
them in the company and build a company culture. The right set of employees and team can
make the goals reach a limit beyond imagination. The human capital used by the company’s
HR department to ensure the choosing the correct people resulting in the success matters.
Strategy making and decision-making skills are an absolute necessity for a company’s
HR team to take the company to reach its goal. The company’s HR department is entrusted
to make the right choices for the organisation. They have to make the right and best choices
and make the employees engage to contribute to the company's growth. Mediocre choices of employees might harm the company’s goal and success. Employee engagement
depends on the choices made by the HR professionals in the organisation.

Effective management and leadership practices

As per the views of Taouab & Issor (2019), the performance assessment of an organisation has
become increasingly important to evaluate the growth of the company. The effective
management principles include the performance assessment at regular intervals to make sure
the company is striving towards its goal. The performance prism is a method developed by a
group of leaders and managers to evaluate the company’s growth. The leaders came up with a
measurement system which refers to the key business issues such as stakeholders' satisfaction,
the potential of the organisation, and the processes needed for the strategy to work out in favour of
the company. The kind of strategies required to meet the company's goals along with the
contribution made by the stakeholders. Leadership practices such as having a clear
vision and goals help in the achievement of success (Friedman, 2018). Practices like unity
among the workforce and example-setting work in favour of the company's growth. Leadership qualities like having strong core values, having excellent cognitive skills and good
judgement are the keys to achieving success. The leadership practices involve communicating
with the employees so that they can openly state their concerns resulting in an effective work
environment. Effective management and leadership practices contribute to organisational
effectiveness. The leadership practices such as having empathy towards the employees have a
desired outcome. The adaptive communication style is an important aspect of leadership in
this era. Another effective leadership practice which helps is having cross-cultural awareness
as the leadership spreads worldwide and it has become a common phenomenon to engage
with people worldwide professionally. Conflict management skills have become a
requirement for leaders. The capability to persuade others through leadership practice is
also necessary. Working in collaboration is relevant in leadership for the effectiveness of the
organisation. The leadership practices include another aspect called negotiation which is also
required for the effectiveness of the organisation. For effective management good
leadership is necessary to maintain the company’s growth.


The study has discussed the strategies used by the HR professionals of any organisation to
ensure high performance. The impact of global trends such as digitisation and social media
on HR strategies is discussed. The understanding of key drivers which result in
employee engagement is also discussed. The contribution of the HR professional in
employee engagement is narrated in this report as well to conclude that the company's well-being depends upon the HR team. The HR team chooses the correct set of employees to make
the company successful. The effective management principles and the different leadership
practices ensure the achievement of the company's goal and the workforce agility depends
on this as well.


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Posted Aug 8, 2024

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