Voice Assistant development using chatGPT

Asif Farhan Khan

Fantastic, Diligent and Rapid work!

Table of Contents

Client's Objective

I require a chatbot that has an animated character speaking the response, The User would send a prompt in the chat box, the program would need to use the prompt to get response from chatGPT, and that response would be spoken by an animated character using voice synthesis

Solution Provided

Created a web application with beautiful interface that has a text box for the prompt to be sent in
Integrated ChatGPT for the prompt response using the API and managed configuration to enforce the desired response rule
Used a character builder API to build a character and provided voice support using the AWS polly service
Binded the various API together to match the client's objective

ChatBox Working Demo

Developed a beautiful interface that accommodates the chat box, response text and the animated character which would speak out the response immediately after receiving and resolving the response.
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Posted Apr 3, 2023

Developed an AI chat bot that included a virtual character that speaks out the response using the ChatGPT API, All in a beautiful web interface!

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