Ditch the Label: Exposé - The Scale of Transphobia Online

Ben K. Ellis

Data Analyst
Market Researcher
Microsoft Excel
Ditch the Label
We analysed 10 million online posts over three-and-a-half years to explore how transphobic speech manifests online. In doing so, we were able to specifically measure transphobic speech and pro-trans conversations in the UK and US. 
This is the biggest report of its kind on this topic using online data; it includes powerful visualisations, including network maps that show how transphobic engagement spreads, and the first-ever Pyramid of Transphobia, showing how certain attitudes and behaviours can escalate in severity. It also includes interviews from two trans activists, Munroe Bergdorf and Kenny Ethan Jones, telling their own stories, reminding us that behind each number there's a person, a lived experience, a story. 
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