Special Edition Book Design

Ashley Tuliau


Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

The Project

For my Book Design Technology class, our final project was to design, print, and compose a special edition version of our favorite book. I cho

Typography and Editing

After converting the novel PDF to a text file, I needed to clean the file of all imperfect text including unintentional spaces and indents, orphans, widows, and unoptimized text justification.
I then chose an ideal aspect ratio for the size of my book as well as the margins and layout for the "guts" (everything held inside the cover).
Following this, I worked in Adobe InDesign to create paragraph styles with my chosen typefaces, spacing, indents, justification, and hyphenation.

Illustrations, Publisher Logo, and Title Design

Using Adobe Illustrator, I designed black and white bee/beehive graphics to embellish the main pages throughout the book. I also designed the typography of the title and publisher logo to create a unique font and style.

Book Jacket Design

First, I created a vision board to communicate the inspiration and direction behind my book jacket design. I aimed to pay tribute to the 50's/60's time period that the book is set in. So, I took inspiration from vintage graphic designs and typography which relies heavily on hand drawn illustrations, symmetry, and a limited color palette.
I then illustrated the gold flower and bee graphics in Adobe Illustrator and prepped my other assets for being positioned in the final file below.

Printing, Nesting, and Sewing

Final Product

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Posted Mar 31, 2023

Designed, printed, and composed a special edition version of the Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.






Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

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