How To Block a Software
From Accessing Internet in Windows
Kosi. Gabriel Agwuike
Blog Writer
Technical Writer
Microsoft Word
Blocking a program or software from accessing the internet is simply a way to
make or stop that particular program from being able to use the internet
whenever the PC is connected to a data network. This doesn't mean that the
PC will no longer be able to access the internet rather, that program, in
particular, won't have internet access because of certain firewall blocking
rules that have been set.
Why Should I Stop a Program From Accessing the Internet
I know, the primary function of most people on PC is to access the internet
with it, so telling them to block or suspend a particular program from
accessing the internet might sound odd. So let me quickly give you few
reasons why you might want to block a particular program from accessing the
1. You might not want it to continuously check for updates.
2. You might not want the program to automatically update to a newer
3. The program might be displaying some annoying ads content which can also be distracting
4. You might be worried about sensitive data might get leaked and so on.
So if the essential features and tasks of that particular software don't rely on
the internet, go right ahead and cut it off from internet access, it is perfectly
safe and here is how to do it.
How can I block A Particular Program's Access to the Internet?
Windows firewall not only comes very much in handy in protecting your
computer from malware and other security threats but can also be
configured to block any program from accessing the internet if you follow
these simple steps
1. Open Control Panel on your PC
2. Click on Windows Firewall
3. On the Windows Firewall window, click on Advanced settings (it is
usually on the left side)
4. Click on outbound rules to restrict internet access for a particular app.
5. Under the Actions panel on the right side of the window, click on New
6. Click on Program and press Next to continue
7. Now locate the path where that program you want to block from
accessing the internet has been installed. By default, programs in Windows
PC are installed at C:\Program Files\... You can either locate the program
using the Browse option in the find window, or you type in the program path
by yourself.
8. In the Action window, select Block the connection and click Next
9. Highlight when your blocking rules should apply to the program. (For best
performance, Select all the three options which are Domain, Private and
Public, so as to completely cut off internet access.
10. Give a name to the new rule you just created. For easy remembrance,
save the blocking rule name with the name that software you wish to block
from accessing the internet.
Eg, After creating a blocking rule for Zuma Revenge, name it "Block Zuma Revenge. Then when you are through, click Finish and your blocking rules will be activated.
Two types of blocking that can be done in Windows Firewall are inbound
traffic and outbound traffic.
Inbound traffic refers to all the data coming to your program from a server elsewhere. Outbound traffic is due to a connection initiated by your program. This tutorial is focused on the outbound traffic which is a connection that was initiated by your program.
Now to enable inbound traffic which is a connection that your program receives from an outside network, select “Inbound rules” in step 4 above complete the rest of the steps.
Finally, this guide on how to block a program from accessing the internet in Windows laptop was done with a Windows 10 PC, and can still be done on Windows 10S PC, Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.
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How to block a particular program in your computer from having internet access while everything else works just fine