Peachy Corners - Menu Designs

Miriam Wagner

Brand Designer
Logo Designer
Visual Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

About the Client

Peachy Corners is a small business located near Atlanta, Georgia. For this project, they wanted a detailed menu with visuals for their cafe. Their business has a lot of variety in their drinks, but still wanted their menus to be clean and easy to understand.
Peachy Corners Menu One
Peachy Corners Menu One
Peachy Corners Menu Two
Peachy Corners Menu Two


Deciding how to organize the menu's items was the first step in my process. I had to design it so that the drinks are easy to find and read, and also so the menus can hold a large amount of items. They also have to be adaptable for any future changes in the menus when new drinks are released.
Menu Mockup
Menu Mockup


These menus are meant to be displayed on TV screens, but handheld menus were created in case the owners wanted to have portable menus as well.
Handheld Mockup
Handheld Mockup


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