7 Reasons Why You Don’t Excel In Class

Angel Joy Caerlang


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There are so many things that can cause you to not excel that much in class. The problem can be within yourself or maybe in your surroundings. Let me tell you seven reasons why you don’t excel in studying.

1. You Don’t See The Essence Or Importance Of Studying

I know many of you might have already seen on social media, especially on TikTok, that “college is not worth it” or “you don’t need a degree to be successful in life”.
At some point, that might be right, but in some cases, that kind of thinking doesn’t apply. For instance, you want to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or something similar to your job in the future.
If you want this kind of career path, you definitely need a degree. You cannot just diagnose someone without a proper understanding of the field of medicine. Or you cannot defend someone if you don’t have a deep understanding of the law in the courtroom.
But I do believe that in this generation right now, you can learn or study pretty much anything and everything on the internet. Perhaps on YouTube or another platform, or you might want to pay for some courses if you want to pursue a more serious career path such as learning to code, design, copywriting, and many other things.
Many of us might not see the importance of studying right now, but whatever you believe in that can help you excel in life and be successful enough, go for it.

2. You Despite the Subject

We all hate at least one subject in our school life. And in many cases, it is math.
Raise your hand if you do hate it.
There are also several reasons why you might hate a particular subject. For example, you want to study engineering in the future, so you don’t see the value of studying the history of music or arts or whatsoever that is not related to your chosen job.
Another reason why you hate a subject must be that you don’t understand how it works or you don’t follow the discussion like your classmates.
We get that not all of the subjects that were thought to us in elementary or in high school will be necessary for the future.
Maybe mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, can help me count these sales that we made or can help me get more customers to my shop. Or the proving of a triangle can help me cook this dish that the head chef asks me to.

3. You Don’t Have A Good Teacher

I mentioned earlier that I HATE MATH, like many people.
When I was in grade 6, I had this incredible teacher in math who was so good at teaching that subject. He makes it easy for every learner to understand and follow. Even I, who am not so smart at math, can get it so easily.
Apparently, he is aware that many students hate that subject and is trying to find the best way to teach it to students more effectively. Remising about it makes me want to wish for that teacher in math to be like him. I kid you not. He is the best math teacher that I have ever encountered.
So listen up; it’s not just you; maybe it’s your teacher. To find out if you or the teacher did this,
-Attend to certain subjects that you don’t like, as usual.
-Observe the surroundings.
-Your teacher where he or she is when discussing
-What was your classmate’s reaction when listening to that teacher?
-Watch how that teacher discusses, whether it’s from a board or a PowerPoint slide. It doesn’t matter; you just have to observe the teacher’s body movements and voice.
-Do you feel intimidated? Do you feel like the surroundings and atmosphere of the room change when you are on that particular subject?
-Ask your fellow classmates about their opinion on that subject or on that teacher. Ask if they absorbed the lesson that they just learned.
If your teacher’s body language is intimidating to you or you don’t feel welcome when he or she enters the room, that is one of the red flags of a bad teacher.
Secondly, if the response of your classmates is somewhat negative as if they don’t get the lesson at all, that is another red flag.
Lastly, if you and your classmates are on the same page as that particular subject or teacher, then it’s more likely it’s not on you. Maybe the teaching style of that teacher doesn’t work for you.
Now hold up. Before you go and complain about that teacher to your parents or other people in power like the principal, there is a better solution to that.
Like I said before, we have access to the internet to learn anything and everything. It is mostly learned on YouTube, where educational content can be found.
Just watch one or a few of the different content creators and find the one that works best for you.

4. You Don’t Know Your Learning Style

For someone out there who doesn’t know what a learning style is, a learning style is some learning technique or medium that works best for you. For example, you learn things more quickly when they have a picture, or you memorize more effectively when you memorize with rhyme or with song.
There are more learning styles out there, but these are the 4 learning styles that I am going to share with you.
This type of learning style mainly helps you understand and learn more effectively with visuals like pictures, text, and diagrams, and by watching. This can be helpful if you have this kind of learning style because most of the teachers teach students using PowerPoint, drawing, and writing on boards, and by making students watch videos.
Auditory learning is a learning style where learners can learn more by listening and hearing. You can learn more efficiently when you listen to instructions than when you read what is presented to you. You can learn by listening to a podcast and also by watching videos with sound, of course. You can also learn by listening to test-to-speech, converting your reading materials, maybe your notes, to text. Always open your ears to the discussion when you have this learning style.
Reading and writing:
I think it is already obvious what this is. Yes, you learn more when you are reading and writing. Some people prefer to read in a quiet place and write in peace. Don’t be afraid to ask people to keep their noise down if you have this kind of learning style. I know some people who read books and listen to music at the same time. It works for them. Let me know if you also do this.
This learning style is a bit different from others. When we say kinesthetic learning style, it requires you to have good visual and listening skills because of kinesthetic learning by their body or part of their body movement. like dancing or riding a bicycle.
Their bodies remember how to move and how a certain movement feels. They learn by listening or seeing, but they can also apply their learning through movement.
So how did this go? Do you know your learning styles now? Let me know in the comments.

5. Studying For You is Boring

We have to admit sometimes, or maybe most of the time for someone, that studying is boring.
There are so many reasons why. But here are a few:
You feel suffocated when you enter a classroom to learn. If you know this feeling, maybe you also thought that the only exciting things in school were the events like Christmas parties, intramurals, field trips, and other occasions in school.
You think that the lessons and topics were far too easy for you, and that it doesn’t give you the thrill to learn because you already know them.
You have little to no one you hang out with at school. Or maybe you don’t like being surrounded by many people.

6. You Surround Yourself With People Who Are Not Interested In Studying Either

Speaking of people, the people you surround yourself with can change your course of life. For instance, you have friends or colleagues who use drugs, are alcoholics, and smoke. If you continue to stick with them, you are more likely to become one of them.
If you want to excel in studying, go with people who care about studying; people who are going to help you when you need them. Choose your friends wisely. As the old saying goes, birds with the same feathers flock together.

7. You Find It Hard To Go To School Every Day

Maybe you are not comfortable with the students in school. You don’t feel like you belong there where the students talk only about social media, how many followers they have, and what the latest famous brand bags or clothes they have. And you feel left out.
In an environment where people do not care about studying at all, it can damage your mentality and emotions. The excitement of going to school every day vanishes.
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Posted Jun 3, 2023

There are so many things that can cause you to not excel that much in class. The problem can be within yourself or maybe in your surroundings. Let me tell you …






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Angel Joy Caerlang

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