Angel Joy Caerlang


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Things that easily provoked people should know
It is hard to handle emotions when we are being provoked by others without hurting them or without reacting the way that we are going to be perceived as a bad person.
So before you there and slap that person in the face or react violently against them, here are the things that you should know on how to react to the provocation and why are they provoking you.

How to react if you are being provoked

1. Self Humor

Some form of provocation is by bringing out insecurities and embarrassing things that happened in the past. They would bring it up, especially when other people can hear it.
Know yourself enough
When they bring those insecurities and embarrassing things of yours don’t satisfy them by giving them the reaction that they want. Reactions such as annoyed, sad, anger ( especially anger because you might be perceived as a person that is sensitive to provocation and you don’t want that), and other negative emotions that would put you in a negative spot.
What you should do instead is continue what they are saying especially if it is about you. And make the story worst. Oh! You don’t want that? Let me give you an example.
Let’s say that person talks about that embarrassing thing that happen in middle school, where you fainted during P.E. class because you hit your other classmate. The cause of this is your eyes were stuck to the ball that you are playing with, and you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings causing you to collide with your classmate.
Add detail to it. Like this
“ Yeah, that hurt me. It was like everything was moving, I was walking like a drunk man before I fainted. I couldn’t blame my classmate for colliding with me because I was small in middle school. Maybe he didn’t notice my mushroom-like height.”
Talk about it casually like you aren’t bothered by that embarrassing past. You make the story worst. This won’t make you put in a negative spot but rather the opposite.
You see if you are comfortable talking about the embarrassing thing to other people without being uncomfortable and embarrassed. You may be perceived as a confident person because you are unbothered in talking about something like that to others.
One more example, let’s make it about insecurities.
Your picture when you are young was found by your groupmate displayed at
your house when you are doing some project at home.
In that picture, your hair was like a bird ness you don’t care about fixing it before, even until now unless it’s necessary. And your groupmates were making fun of it. Saying how your hair doesn’t change until now.
Exaggerate what they are saying. It’s better if you can even make them laugh.
you can say that I was electrocuted by your light switch as the house that is why your hair was always like that.
Again this kind of statement can make you look confident and unbothered by negative comments about you and your insecurities. Know your insecurities and how to handle them when it is being used against you.

2. Avoid

There are two types of this, either; avoid the people or avoid the conversation.
Let’s talk about the first one. I am sure that you don’t want to deal with those kinds of people who what to provoke you most of the time.
Avoid having an interaction with them unless it’s necessary. Now that you know what kind of people they are avoid having to have contact with them as much as possible.
About the second one, avoid the topic. If you knew where the conversation is leading and you don’t want it, cut it off by saying “ Can we change the topic I am not comfortable with it” or any other phrases that can change the subject.
Or maybe you want to be completely out of the conversation. Just make up an excuse. Like “I have to go home”, “ I am tired I want to rest already”, I have something to do”, and “I am busy”. It is up to you what excuse you want to use.

3. Power of Silence

If they are provoking you and you don’t wanna use energy to deal with the talking to get back at them, or maybe you want them to realize what they have said is not good.
Well, the good news for you is a simple silence can do the trick.
Here is how to do it, whenever you are being provoked stay silent and stare at them as they provoke you. Do your best to not show any emotions to them. Stay silent for 4-5 seconds.
If they saw that you are being silent and don’t show any emotion. This will make them rethink what they just said. If they saw that you are not reacting or saying anything they might get the hint that you are not happy with what they are saying.
They might even apologize and take back what they said.
This works most of the time. But if you are talking to someone that has a thick face and doesn’t care about what they are saying even if it hurts someone. Then it probably won’t work. But it is still worth the try.

4. Make them repeat it

This is my favorite. If they are trying to embarrass you in front of people, make them embarrass themselves. Here is how.
if they are embarrassing you simply them them “ can you repeat that? I didn’t hear it.” Or “ Can you say it louder I didn’t quite get it”.
Some might not be going to repeat what they say and rephrase it with something better. But if they did repeat it, ask them again to repeat it with a louder voice until they snap and yell at you. This way they will just embarrass themselves by shouting or yelling at you. And if it happens tell them to “chill” and you are just asking things.
This feels satisfying that they embarrass themselves instead of you by just asking them a question. It is good to do this especially when they provoke you in front of people. Because those people get to see them yell and snap at you.

5. Transfer your anger to something

It can be a sport, exercise, or even cleaning and anything that needs your body to move. When someone is provocating you they are transferring their negative energy to you.
Do you remember what we have learned in science where energy is being transferred? Well if they do transfer their energy to us it became an “anger” or “annoyance”.
Transfer those negative energy to something that cannot feel pain like objects or you can tire yourself out to release that energy.
If you feel annoyed or angry because of someone else’s provocation don’t ever transfer it to a living thing especially a child, because you tend to hurt them emotionally or physically as you transfer those negative energy from the provocation that you received earlier.
Why do they provoke you?

Why do they provoke you?

Well, I can only come up with 2 reasons why they are provoking you. Those are:

1. They want your Attention or Reaction

They are like a child. A chill craves the attention and reaction from their parents. They don’t care if it is a negative or positive reaction. A reaction is a reaction to them.
Those people who are provoking you to want your attention or reaction.
Why do they want a reaction or attention from me?
Maybe they don’t like you in the first place. They want to see an annoyed look on your face. This makes them satisfied.
Or in some cases they like you. Wait what?! Haha yes, they might be.
Maybe they want you to look at them with any reaction even if they receive a negative reaction. They want you to notice their presence.
To tell them apart, think of the thing that you did or said to them before when they didn’t provoke you. Think of the things that you did for them or things that you did that might have been affecting them in the past.
Let’s say you’re promoted to a higher position at work while your other co-worker at your same age stays in that position. And the next week after that particular co-worker of yours has been pissing you off by provoking you and criticizing the work that you are doing.
Well, they may be don’t like how you get promoted while they stay in the same position when the both of you are the same age.
Another example about if they like you. Again do the same with the first one. Remember if you did anything that could lead them to provoke and hate you for some reason.
Let’s say you and that person have just recently met at the same office. You do this person and you do favors and you are nice to them. You don’t remember insulting or making this person feel bad.
And they just suddenly tease you without any particular time. Well, they might like you.

2. They are jealous of you

Well for whatever reason they are jealous. This is kinda connected to the first example that I gave you where they don’t like you.
In addition to the example that I gave. The reason why they are provoking you is that they want you to feel inferior to them.
Why? Because in the first place the reason that they are jealous is that they are the one who is inferior to you. They what to turn the tables upside down by provoking you.
And if you give them the reaction that they want you are helping them accomplish their goal.
So now you know, don’t give them the reaction that they want.
That is all thank you for reading this and comment on what you think about this blog. If you want more of this follow our social media account for more. And share this post with your friends that you think to need this post.
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Posted Jun 3, 2023

Things that easily provoked people should know It is hard to handle emotions when we are being provoked by others without hurting them or without reacting the …






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Angel Joy Caerlang

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