A More Compelling Profile Banner

Chris Gensheer


Brand Strategist



Google Docs


The Situation

I created a new banner/header for a service-based business of permanent fat removal through cryo lipolysis - basically, Cryo-technology freezing localized fat cells out of existence.
They have some amazing results, but it’s still a mouthful, and the typical before and after photo doesn’t make for the best banner profile on social (at least not aesthetically speaking for a first impression).
This photo is after 3 sessions.
The Before/After photo and section are great for building trust & establishing authority. It's best used to help justify the buying decision.
But we're not there yet.
We must first hook them (first impression) & sell them on the offer itself. That's what your banner needs to do in less than 5 seconds.

The Plan to Craft a More Compelling Banner

1. Grab their attention.

Colors, people, and funky font.
Immediately grabs the eye and at least make you linger a bit.
Also, the words "freeze your fat off and tighten your skin."
If these are your pain points, you'll stop to learn more. It both grabs attention and prequalifies for your ideal primary and secondary audiences.
Plus, "you/your" is an immediate attention grabber. If you yell in a large room, "Hey Chris," you'll have me, and maybe 2 other people turn to look. But when you say, "Hey you!" everyone turns around and looks.

2. List your unique value proposition

Lose your fat and tighten your skin.
Those are the desired results.
You can do that in a myriad of ways, though. Will I have to:
eat less?
avoid fat?
run more?
lift heavy weights?
drink lemon water?
No, fat loss & tight skin aren't the unique value proposition.
The unique value here is:
no surgery >>> no expensive, scary procedures (Ok)
no downtime >>> fit it into your lunch break (Seriously?)
no sweat >>> so easy you can do it lying down. Also, a no-brainer decision. (For real??)

3. Show the win

Might be the easiest part, but is often overlooked.
Notice the four lovely ladies. Each one is different, with a unique body shape. But they are all
confident in their skin.
In a word, they're all radiating beauty.
Fat loss and tight skin are quantitative indicators measured in numbers. Inches, in this case.
But the win is something deeper. Something more intuitive. Something that is felt more than analyzed and measured with tape.
Feeling beautiful from the inside out.

4. Pique curiosity

You don't want to answer any and every question with your profile.
Just like you wouldn't unload all of your responses & information on someone you just met. Save the details for the second interaction, not the first.
Remember, people buy emotionally but justify the purchase logically.
So how many people do you know land on a website and immediately pull out their card to do business?
No one.
So think in terms of micro-conversions.
What are the granular steps to take someone from:
apathetic >> passively interested >> actively interested >> ready to do business?
The way to move through that progression is with relevant, intriguing, and reassuring content.
In this case, it's two things:
the single word "Cryo"
what's left unsaid: the how
For people who know about cryo- or cryolipolisis, they're in the know, so they're moving into brand awareness and closer to a purchasing decision.
For people who don't know, they're moving from problem to solution awareness. Their natural questions are:
What is cryo?
How does cryo work?
Can this really work for me?
All of these are unanswered questions and open story loops. They beg for resolution & closure.
Thus, leading the viewer to want to learn more.
Intrigue is how you move people from:
Problem aware >>> Solution aware to >>> Brand aware to >>> "Sign me up and let's do this!"


We updated their banner and online profile to see an immediate uptick in regular booked appointments.
The messaging and layout achieved it's objectives:
grab their attention
share your unique value proposition
foreshadow their potential
spark more intrigue
And now Bellezza Studios is seeing more engagement, followers, and conversions from their brand.
Like this project

Posted Feb 25, 2023

Simplified and optimized the unique selling proposition to drive more engagement, conversions, and business through their online messaging.






Brand Strategist



Google Docs


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