From Starting Over to 13k Newsletter Subscribers in Under 1 Year

Chris Gensheer


Brand Strategist

Content Editor


Google Docs



Sam started with next to nothing. 
Within a year, he had over 13,000 subscribers [now] to his newsletter, consistent consulting gigs, and a whole new work experience with more flexibility and freedom than he had in his prior 30+ year career. 

The Scenario: 

Sam had just left his FT 30-yearcareer as a pastor. 
He picked up a couple of clients doing some coaching & content creation but wasn’t enough to sustain a full business after his severance ran out. 
He was thinking about launching a paid newsletter on Substack to add a revenue stream. 

The Challenge

He had a few hundred followers on social media, no email list & no real online presence. 
He posted on LinkedIn but got no real engagement. Mostly questions or sharing links. 
So I coached and helped him grow his email list to over 12k in less than a year.

The Process

1. Established positioning

At first, Sam said he was a content creator/editor. 
He loved the leadership coaching/consulting more. 
Given his background and years of experience, he could do both but found traction and momentum as The Nonprofit Leader.

2. Created content for the platform

First, we identified several key pillars:
- Personal holistic health of the leader
- Organizational culture
- Strategic thinking
- Fundraising
Everything connected to these main themes and topics.
Then we reversed-engineered what was working on LinkedIn & published accordingly.
- Posting consistently - daily
- Links in bio or comments
- Longer form posts
- Targeted hashtags (2-3 max)
- Images
The engagement saw an immediate lift.

3. Strategic engagement

This was the 2nd & perhaps most important piece.
With those who engaged in his posts, Sam started
- liking their comments
- replying to comments
- engaged in DMs
He also
- engaged other creators w/ similar themes
- joined groups/events
This is the one thing you can do to stand out and accelerate your growth on any platform.
Creating good content is one side of a two-sided coin. 
You need to be social while sharing your content.

4. Invited to Free weekly newsletter

Without an audience, a paid newsletter wasn’t a realistic goal.
But a free value-filled newsletter? Absolutely!
He started pointing people to his newsletter every so often, in between the value-driven content he posted daily (1-2x a week).

The Results: 

✅ Full calendar of paid coaching and consulting opportunities 
✅ More flexibility than he had as an FT pastor 
✅ Email list 13k+ subscribers 
✅ 1900+ followers on LI
✅ Featured by LI as a “Newsletter to Explore.”
Like this project

Posted Feb 24, 2023

Consulted Sam on his personal brand, online strategy, and content plan to go from barely any presence or followers to 13,000+ subscribers in under a year.






Brand Strategist

Content Editor


Google Docs


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