Michael Davis


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A wise fellow once said “If your job is your passion, you’d look forward to Mondays rather than beg for Friday’s early demise”. It’s been sort of the same episode for me as it relates to the burning desire within, to make my passion a tangible reality.
For the most part of my infant years, I’ve discovered the ease at which i exude creativity. My matrimonial pact with the Tech world took an upward slope when i went into the university. I would go about, taking and editing photos for my friends. i would spend huge productive hours learning and honing my craft. I didn’t think much of it, because it came from an express desire of sincere love for what i was doing. But my ordeal during my service days, opened my eyes to possibilities and profitability within this sphere of passion. This kickstarted my Graphic Design journey and that went on for about 3 years. I’m much better and could handle professional jobs within that space, even though i still struggled to find a niche. But then, last year, i got intimated with the details of what it’ll mean to be a PRODUCT DESIGNER. I loved the idea so much. It made a lot of sense, considering i already have a background in Marketing(Research) and Design. So i dusted my passport of passion and took a flight within than space.
I’ve made several stops already. I did an Upskill program for 3 months with Genesys Tech Hub and just recently, i rounded a 6 months internship program with the same firm called ‘Learnable Internship’.
Amidst these stops, still abounds the childlike excitement within me to be more and explore various horizon. So this flight just landed at the prestigious HNG internship program. Because i want to be the best version of myself and rank high within the Tech world, i chose to learn and work with the very best, and meet outstanding highflyers that’ll boost my creative nous and propel my desire to grow and learn. And there’s no better environment to get this experience than HNG.
Just for a start, we were given the opportunity to create an infographics about our goals: https://www.figma.com/design/zisGaUkZQqlJNZLacXLAwY/Untitled?node-id=0-1&t=pgNMqZ5mCy0lZ4LT-1. Thi just suits the narrative of their desire to see that we become successful and are the best bunch of Techies in Nigeria. I’m super grateful for the opportunity, and i look forward to how far this pilot would drive us in achieving our destination.
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Posted Oct 30, 2024

A wise fellow once said “If your job is your passion, you’d look forward to Mondays rather than beg for Friday’s early demise”.






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