For the most part of my infant years, I’ve discovered the ease at which i exude creativity. My matrimonial pact with the Tech world took an upward slope when i went into the university. I would go about, taking and editing photos for my friends. i would spend huge productive hours learning and honing my craft. I didn’t think much of it, because it came from an express desire of sincere love for what i was doing. But my ordeal during my service days, opened my eyes to possibilities and profitability within this sphere of passion. This kickstarted my Graphic Design journey and that went on for about 3 years. I’m much better and could handle professional jobs within that space, even though i still struggled to find a niche. But then, last year, i got intimated with the details of what it’ll mean to be a PRODUCT DESIGNER. I loved the idea so much. It made a lot of sense, considering i already have a background in Marketing(Research) and Design. So i dusted my passport of passion and took a flight within than space.