Mouth poke, surprising plot twists, acting like a crazy person when seeing someone else reading, the appetite to re-read your favorite book, using anything as a bookmark( last time I used bubble gum wrapper as a bookmark), smiling and roaring, crying on the death of a favorite character, feeling of winning a game when the antagonist is no more. Reading on bleachers when classmates are watching a basketball match, in the cafeteria, during a lecture caching from the professor, and continuing the session of reading. I suppose we compendiums are the brutes on earth. We don’t leave books in the middle. We read it till the last runner. We're willing to skip our reflections, our classes, and our sleep just to finish the book. If a person loves books further than anything. Their dream home is where they could open a small library for themselves. Whose favorite place to escape reality is a bookstore? Flashback, she is deeply in love with nature and believes that love is the most important feeling in this world. Love is a commodity that can change this world for the better. No matter, whether he or she reads non-fiction o fabrication. In any genre they read, they have got a pure heart.