A book that changed my perspective of love life.

huma veil



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Books change people so does life too………..
Life brings a lot of changes along with it. This is why we call it changeable. We plan our perfect life and image perfection as the beauty of our life. Suddenly, commodity anonymity happens and changes the way we suppose and what we want to do with our lives. For me, reading is the way to get to know the meaning of life in the form of performance. Books are like a ground between anthology and pen and connect them to partake their ideas and beliefs with others. Another reason humans prefer reading during the most stressful life is to increase their stress position by crying over someone additional’s story and connecting with fictional characters and refusing to put that book back on the shelf as they feel emotionally connected with the pen’s story.
The book that changed my perspective about marriage and love life took me literally 3 months to complete. I was stupefied to read so effects like a concession in marriage for the sake of children and how mendicants find peace and like to spend their days with simplicity. Understanding and accepting your mate and supporting them no matter what is the description of happy marriage respect. Lastly, understanding comes before love and feelings and yes concession and offerings make a long trip of life easygoing and bring two people close. The escape to finding a commodity is more important than love and leaving someone you loved without saying goodbye.
This book is the perfect example of this sentence:

Husband and wife are two wheels of a vehicle, if one stops working other will eventually stop and they will reach their destination together.
The Zahir is one of the amazing books of Paulo Coelho and he participated in his trip of chancing his woman and chancing the answers to questions she left when she faded. The metamorphosis of love into preoccupation and in this trip chancing himself and knowing his woman is his Zahir and the reason he's successful and accomplished. Chancing out his excrescencies and how he was acting like a selfish person and the verity behind the anonymous exposure of his woman opened up numerous doors for him and showed him the path to himself and macrocosm giving him another chance to explore himself.
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Posted Oct 11, 2023

Books change people so does life too……….. Life brings a lot of changes along with it. This is why we call it changeable. We plan our perfect life and image per…









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