Transformative AI Development: Case Study

Landu Joel

Market Researcher
Content Writer
Technical Writer
Google Analytics
Google Docs
Microsoft Office 365
Africa Center for Economic Transformation

Background Information

Analyzing empirical evidence based research on artificial intelligence and addressing the projected shortcoming and benefits of developing a transformative artificial intelligence.

Roles in the Project

Analyzing the social and economic impact world would have by developing transformative AI while taking into account the vulnerable communities in the society.

Approach to the Solution and the Outcomes

I analyzed the potentials of AI to make major changes in the social and global economy, unlocking a level of automation and AI power far surpassing what human wages can provide. To support such an effort, I made a great deal of research on developing the system by the need of taking the necessary action to perfect the algorithms and hardware, as well as to account for the current level of technological reach, improvement and training needs, and security and safety measures to protect everyone. In the end, the project was successfully completed on time with the main conclusion, noting, the key to the success of such a project will be the successful fusion of the complex components necessary to build an AI system capable of the tasks that it is being tasked to complete while creating universal literacy of the system across the world.

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