Buzz Biolabs | Brand Identity | Bee Venom Cosmeceuticals

Joyce Giron

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator

Buzz Biolabs Case Study

At Buzz Biolabs, their passion lies in unlocking the science behind bee venom for innovative, natural beauty and health solutions. They are committed to developing sustainable and ethical products that empower individuals to achieve their wellness goals.

Buzz Biolabs reached out to me as they had previously only had the basic Brand Logo and wanted to define their Brand Identity. Through consultations, I was able to extract their key brand message and re-defined their Brand Strategy and Brand Visual Identity.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Visual Identity - Logo Suite & Colour Palette
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Social Media Strategy
Brand Guidelines

Defining Brand Strategy

Brand Core Values & Messaging
Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
Alternative Logo
Brand Logo Icon
Brand Pattern
Colour Palette
Correct Logo Usage
Incorrect Logo Usage
Incorrect Logo Usage 2
Brand Image Mockups
Brand Image Mockups 2
Social Media Strategy
Brand File Guide
BONUS - Content Strategy
Brand Guideline Sheet

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