Self-hosted n8n

James Bohrman


Project: Multi-Client n8n Deployment and Hosting


  • Deploy and host n8n instances for multiple clients
  • Implement cost-effective hosting solutions
  • Reduce clients' overall automation expenses
  • Provided ongoing management and support for n8n deployments


This project involved the deployment and hosting of n8n, a powerful workflow automation tool, for multiple clients. The primary goal was to significantly reduce clients' automation-related expenses while maintaining or improving their operational efficiency. By leveraging n8n's capabilities, clients were able to replace or consolidate various expensive automation tools, resulting in substantial cost savings.

Key Components:

n8n Deployment: Set up and configure n8n instances tailored to each client's needs

Hosting Solutions: Implement secure and scalable hosting environments for n8n

Workflow Migration: Transfer existing automation workflows to n8n platform

Cost Analysis: Evaluate and demonstrate cost savings for each client

Ongoing Support: Provide maintenance, updates, and technical assistance


Thousands of dollars saved on clients' automation expenses

Streamlined and centralized automation processes

Improved flexibility and customization of workflows

Enhanced control over automation infrastructure

This project demonstrates the cost-effectiveness and versatility of n8n as an automation solution, offering clients a powerful alternative to expensive proprietary automation tools.

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