Compliance Platform (App & Web) with Payments & Invoicing

Aman Mittal

Fullstack Engineer
UX Designer
Flutter Developer

Project Title: EasyWorks (Accounts and Compliance Solutions Platform)


EasyWorks is a comprehensive platform offering accounts and compliance solutions, including an app, an admin panel, and multiple modules. The platform features payment gateway integration via Razorpay and automated invoicing with Zoho for seamless financial management. Built from scratch using Flutter for the mobile app and ReactJS for the web panels, the platform enables real-time booking management, centralized document management, and automated compliance reminders. The backend is powered by Node.js and PostgreSQL, ensuring high performance and scalability.


Accounting, Compliance, Business Management

Tools & Technologies Used

Frontend: Flutter (mobile app), ReactJS (panels)

Backend: Node.js, PostgreSQL

Payment Integration: Razorpay

Invoicing: Zoho

UI/UX Design: Figma

Additional Tools: Clickup, Miro, Whimsical


EasyWorks was designed to simplify the management of accounts and compliance for businesses. The platform offers a wide range of features, including real-time booking management, role-based access control, and team management within the admin panel. It also provides secure payment processing via Razorpay and automated invoicing with Zoho, streamlining the financial aspects of compliance management.

Key Features:

📂 Centralized Document Management: All compliance documents are stored in one place, making them easily accessible.

🔄 Real-Time Booking Management: Manage bookings in real-time, with status updates for smooth tracking.

💳 Razorpay Payment Gateway: Secure and fast payment processing for all transactions.

🧾 Automated Invoicing with Zoho: Invoices are generated automatically, ensuring error-free billing and smooth financial operations.

👥 Role-Based Access Control: Role-based access ensures that only authorized team members can view and manage sensitive data.

⚙️ Service Partner Panel: Allows for allocation of bookings to external service providers, streamlining the workload.

📅 Automated Compliance Reminders: Ensures that important deadlines are never missed, with reminders sent automatically.

💼 Expert Consultations: Direct access to experts for consultation services, improving decision-making.

Challenges & Solutions

1. Managing Payments and Invoicing:

Challenge: Ensuring secure and seamless payment and invoicing processes.

Solution: Integrated Razorpay for secure payment transactions and Zoho for automated invoicing to streamline the entire financial process.

2. Complex Compliance Management:

Challenge: Managing multiple compliance requirements and deadlines for businesses.

Solution: Built a centralized system with automated reminders and real-time status updates to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

3. Team and Role Management:

Challenge: Ensuring secure access for different team members based on their roles.

Solution: Developed a role-based access control system within the admin panel to regulate permissions.

4. Service Partner Integration:

Challenge: Efficiently managing external service partners to handle overflow bookings.

Solution: Created a service partner panel for seamless allocation of tasks between internal teams and external partners.

Results & Impact

Built a platform that simplifies compliance management for over 20,000+ customers.

Reduced operational complexity by integrating Razorpay for payments and Zoho for invoicing.

Enabled real-time tracking of bookings, improving efficiency in compliance services.

Successfully delivered the project within an accelerated timeline, ensuring high performance and user satisfaction.

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