Slowshuttercam App redesign logo

Michelle Black


Brand Designer

Visual Designer

Adobe Illustrator


Slow Shutter Cam App for iphone. They wanted newer eye catching logo. Previous design was one color design with purple color and white overlay on top. Very difficult to see and low contrast logo look.
My role: redesign logo and App introduction page.
What I've learned. When there is re-design word is attached to a project, make sure if client really want drastic changes or not.
Comp design to show how it looks on Smart watch size.
Comp design to show how it looks on Smart watch size.
4 different variations of logo.
4 different variations of logo.
Far right is original design and provided 3 different variation of app logo.
Far right is original design and provided 3 different variation of app logo.
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Posted Jan 23, 2023

Redesigning logo for Slow Shutter Cam APP. He requested more robust, colorful design.






Brand Designer

Visual Designer

Adobe Illustrator


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