Essay on Social Justice Issues

Hossam Mandil

Presentation Designer

What is Social Justice?

The definition of social justice may vary in different parts of the world, from nation to nation, region to region, and, even, from person to person. While wearing a burka may be a basic right for someone, somewhere, it may be a matter of social justice for another. However, there are some definitions that many find to be accurate and broad in perspective.
The United Nations defines social justice in terms of equity and fairness in the achievement and distribution of the fruits of economic growth.
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) says that social justice can be achieved through equity and fairness in economic, social, and political opportunities.
The Center for Economic and Social Justice considers social justice to be a phenomenon that guides institutional and human interactions towards the ideas of fairness, equity, and growth.
Social justice needs to be an all-encompassing idea that unifies us in the achievement of common goals. These goals include equality, freedom from discrimination, fair access to opportunities (social, educational, political, economic, etc.), participation, and the same rights and liberties regardless of race, origin, and socioeconomic status.
The main idea behind social justice is the belief that all human beings have innate value, and that no one is more or less valuable in the eyes of society, and the law.
The idea of social justice as we know it today is a product of our past struggles. Movements such as the suffrage movement and the civil rights movement have had great influence on our beliefs and ideas about what social justice should be. While the United States is considered a global leader in socio-economic liberties, there is still a long way to go before the fight for social injustice can become a thing of the past.
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