Web Design AS Piscine

Zsolt Nistor


Graphic Designer

Web Designer

SEO Specialist

Adobe Photoshop



Overview 🔎

My client has an online store for pool accesories and also has a premium line of products that they wanted to showcase. Given that these products are high-value products, we had to showcase them separately.
The client wanted a site that would address both individual customers and businesses that want to build a pool, or purchase products from the site. A “Book a Call” system has been implemented through calendly for a more efficient organization of project discussions. In the store area, the Smartbill management system was connected for the automatic updating of stocks and the automatic issuance of invoices.

Problem & Solution 🤝

The client is a custom pool construction company located in Timișoara, which also sells pool maintenance products and various accessories.
Goals/Requirements: • Create a modern responsive design • Keep a simple UX/UI • Optimize site for high speed performance

Process 🛣

We created the menu structure for the website and the structure for the content of the pages. The design of the site was transformed into a responsive one and the administration platform for WordPress was implemented, as well as WooCommerce and the MobilPay payment was implemented. Photo editing and graphic design sessions were conducted for this client.

Results 🎁

The new site is segmented for both individuals and legal entities, with clear and explicit information for each market segment. The works area is also segmented, and provides relevant details on the projects in the AS Piscine portfolio. In fact, the store is intuitive, well-structured and easy to use.

Colaborarea noastra cu echipa Project Media s-a desfasurat dupa niste principii extrem de profesioniste inca de la inceput. In afara de proptitudinea de care au dat dovada chiar inainte de a semna un contact de colaborare, ne-au expus niste idei foarte bine conturate, facandu-ne sa intelegem care sunt problemele pe care le aveam si ce anume trebuie sa imbunatatim. Am apreciat viziunea extrem de deschisa, disponibilitatea de colaborare si mai ales rezultatul final. Avem un site nou, extrem de prietenos, cu informatii clare si bine conturate. 🗣

Name Alena Nicolaescu - As Piscine Marketing Manager

Takeaways 📣

Being a specialized field, the customers are from the category of users who pay attention to details and who want an easy browsing experience, especially on mobile.
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Posted Mar 11, 2023

It was desired to create an online store with the products offered by AS Piscine, namely, construction of swimming pools to order, swimming pool equipment






Graphic Designer

Web Designer

SEO Specialist

Adobe Photoshop



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