Landing Page AS Piscine Timișoara

Zsolt Nistor


Graphic Designer

Web Designer

SEO Specialist

Adobe Photoshop



Overview 🔎

My client has an online store for pool accesories and also has a premium line of products that they wanted to showcase. Given that these products are high-value products, we had to showcase them separately.

Problem & Solution 🤝

The main issue we had was that there were multiple products and we wanted to create seperate pages for them and still maintain the max 3 click to reach ratio.
Goals/Requirements: • Create dedicated landing pages for products • Showcase benefits and use-cases • Keep the design as high-quality as possible

Process 🛣

I started with an introducingof the product category, followed by a list of products and then showcased the benefits of owning a product.

Results 🎁

After launching these types of landing pages, the client started getting orders for the products and it was easier for them to setup Ads Campagins that had higher conversion rates and could keep track of the results.

Colaborarea noastra cu echipa Project Media s-a desfasurat dupa niste principii extrem de profesioniste inca de la inceput. In afara de proptitudinea de care au dat dovada chiar inainte de a semna un contact de colaborare, ne-au expus niste idei foarte bine conturate, facandu-ne sa intelegem care sunt problemele pe care le aveam si ce anume trebuie sa imbunatatim. Am apreciat viziunea extrem de deschisa, disponibilitatea de colaborare si mai ales rezultatul final. Avem un site nou, extrem de prietenos, cu informatii clare si bine conturate. 🗣

Name Alena Nicolaescu - As Piscine Marketing Manager

Takeaways 📣

You should always separate products if they are high apart in price and you should also highlight all your premium products with well designed landing pages.
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Posted Mar 11, 2023

We wanted to create a Landing Page with the premium products to order, namely the swimming pool cleaning robots offered by AS Piscine from Timișoara.






Graphic Designer

Web Designer

SEO Specialist

Adobe Photoshop



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