Weekup - Habit Tracker App

Cengizhan Hakan


Mobile Engineer

Fullstack Engineer



React Native

We’ve all been there, we’re excited about building a new habit, we download an app and we start logging every time we do the habit, or by the end of the day. It works great until you miss logging your habits for a day and we go into a cycle of guilt and helplessness. If a habit tracking app is not helping me commit, then what will? Introducing Weekup.

Track your progress as a human, not a robot!
Robots do things we tell them, simply. When they don’t we give them a 1 star review LOL.
We, homo sapiens are more complex than that. We have changing priorities and external factors that we have to cope with: family, love, stress, work, ambitions, the weather, deadlines. This adaptability is certain to affect our commitment to some habits/routines, so It’s totally OK!
Weekup helps you understand your overall personal development because what matters is becoming better versions of ourselves, not beating ourselves to keep a daily streak going!
Reflect weekly & Iterate.
You missed doing your exercise 3 times a week. You suck! I’m kidding, but really isn’t that what we all feel? Forming habits is not magic, it’s not science, and NO it’s not spamming me with reminder notifications for GOD’S SAKE PLEASE STOP’EM!
Forming habits is hacking your brain. It’s unique to each one of us. Weekup helps you try new strategies every week to stick to your habits by asking you a simple question: “What are you going to do differently this week?”.
Join friends & keep yourselves accountable!
Share individual habits and your personal development score with friends or your significant other. Instantly message them on the app to motivate them or offer them new ideas to try for the next week.
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Posted Dec 26, 2024

We’ve all been there, we’re excited about building a new habit, we download an app and we start logging every time we do the habit, or by the end of the day.






Mobile Engineer

Fullstack Engineer



React Native

Cengizhan Hakan

Software Developer

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