BNBCalc - Airbnb STR Calculator

Cengizhan Hakan

Fullstack Engineer
BNBCalc is your go-to tool for financial analysis on short-term rental investments. With this calculator, you can effortlessly determine the expected rental income and return on investment for short term rental properties across the United States. What's more, it's incredibly user-friendly and gives in depth data and charts showing return metrics and tax-savings potential.
BNBCalc provides date to highlight comparison property and their amenities and their projected revenue for both short and long-term rentals.
BNBCalc allows users to create branded reports to send to potential investors or partners. This includes co-host / property management reports, rent and re-rent potential, and buy-to-own analysis or analysis of properties already owned.
BNBCalc’s tax-savings calculator highlights potential tax implications for buying a short-term rental (for Americans).
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