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Why Does He Want to Marry Me Fast While relationships and love at first sight can be a match, marriage on the other hand is a more serious partnership and not something you rush into. So many people have adopted the standard two-years rule that suggests that it takes two years to truly know a man. This rule is almost a perfect one except that some people can master their acts so well that it will take you more than just two years to discern them. If you think a guy you just started dating not too long ago is too much in a haste to take you down the aisle and you are wondering "Why does he want to marry me fast?". It is almost certain he has a personal reason he wants to marry you so quickly, and in most cases the reason is usually something you wouldn't want to have anything to do with. In some cases, however, it could be the excitement that comes with meeting someone we love and the usual fear of losing them if we don't make the big moves sooner. Whatever the case may be, you should be able to figure out the possible reason for your boyfriend's impatience as we will be discussing most of the reasons why a man might want to marry his woman sooner. Why Does He Want To Marry You Fast? 1. Deep Emotional Connection: It is common knowledge that men like to mark boundaries. It is possible your new boyfriend feels such a deep emotional connection with you that he wants to secure his place in your life and solidify your commitment sooner. This is a love gesture and you should appreciate it as such. It is the best assurance having a man who is very certain you are the person he wants in his life. True life experiences from people who married such men are usually positive. But should you rush into marrying him just because he wants it? The answer is No. Marriage is not something you would want to rush into, not even for the best man in the world. You deserve to take all the time you need to prepare your mind for it. And if you still feel like you are not sure of him, you can take as long as a year or even two to get to know him well enough. No matter how hard he pushes, only say yes to him when you've completely cleared your doubts about him. There is really no way to be sure of what a man feels, he could be lying to you about the whole emotional stuff. Listen to your gut and allow your instinct to give you clearance. Sometimes, it's only our instinct that can give us the right guidance on what to believe. 2. Fear of Losing You: He might have an underlying fear of losing you and believes marriage will secure your future together. Maybe he has looked ahead and seen some impending chances of you changing your mind about him. It could be that you are about to enter a new phase in your life. Maybe you got admitted into a higher institution or you got a new job, and he fears the competition that will most likely kickoff between him and other men. He probably thinks you might give in to one of them so he wants to avoid that by marrying you fast. It is only a man who truly loves you that will fear losing you. If you are not yet ready for marriage, then try reassuring him of your love and make him understand that you have no intention of doing such to him. 3. Overcoming Distance: If you've both been into a long-distance relationship for too long, that might motivate him to want to put an end to that and bring you two closer through marriage. He probably wants you close to himself due to his love and affection for you. In some cases, it could all boil down to fear of losing you to someone closer. Knowing that distance limits him from giving you all the time and attention you desire, the genuine fear that you might meet someone else who can do all that for you might grip him. In order to put this in check, he might propose marriage as a bridge to the gap between you two. There is no point keeping him waiting if you want to marry him as much, but if you are not ready for it, it is still not enough reason to dive into marriage. 4. Shared Ambition After the series of couples chats where you both shared your future plans and dreams, it might have clicked in his heart that he had found the girl he's been waiting for all his life. Considering how long he's waited and how deeply he had searched with no results, excitement might move him into wanting to quickly put a seal on it. Maybe you both share similar ambitions regarding financial lifestyle, family lifestyle or it could even be a religious lifestyle. He wants to quickly marry you so that you can both nurture this ambition together and grow in it together. If you think it makes sense to grow in your common ambition with him, then you should consider saying yes to his proposal. It can be beneficial to your personal growth considering that you have the support of someone with a similar goal. 5. Family Pressure: Your boyfriend might be in a hurry to marry you because his family is pressuring him to get married. Maybe he is the only child of his parents or they have a family tradition of marrying early or at least before a certain age. If this is the case then you must not make the mistake of accepting such a proposal. Even though he might love you as much as you deserve, he is obviously not ready for marriage. He is only rushing into it to get his family off his back. If you marry a man who didn't get into the union out of his own will, then you might be in for some marital trauma. He might get exhausted and fed up with the whole arrangement and he might direct his frustration towards you. 6. Financial security: One of the challenges of being a financially stable single lady is that it attracts a lot of fake men your way. If you are one of those ladies that have everything going well for them financially, you are certainly a target for irresponsible men seeking for someone to relieve them of their financial responsibility as men. Your boyfriend may have come in the guise of love and undying affection meanwhile, he is only after you for the financial security he can get from you. One way of uncovering such men is by checking their financial status. When you have a man who has no tangible source of income, and you are the one taking care of almost all his bills, insisting on marrying you as soon as possible then it could be one of such men. Real men always have the desire to take care of their responsibilities themself. No genuine man wants to live off a woman. It is a different case when a man is facing a current financial problem but you know a man who doesn't have any plan of making any effort when you see one. 7. He Has Ulterior Motives: There have been cases where a man marries a lady simply to get something from her. Your new boyfriend might be rushing you into marriage because you have or are the key to something he wants so badly. It could be that he wants to marry you so that he can get a green card. In some cases he is looking for free accomodations. Other times, he could be looking to get a big loan from the government through you so he wants to win your trust by coming under the canopy of marriage. If you are a single mother, then you must also be very careful. Some cases have presented chronic pedophiles marrying a woman just to have express access to their little ones. The list of hidden motives behind a man's hastiness to marry you can go on and on. Go to every length you can to verify a man's genuineness. If you blindly marry a man who is only after you for his selfish benefits, then you definitely have some future regrets coming your way. 8. He Might Be Aggressive: You just met a man who poses himself to be a perfect gentleman but seems to be a bit in a hurry to marry you. Now you are wondering "Why does he want to marry me so fast?" You might be dealing with an abusive man on your table. Men who have questionable characters know themselves so they usually do anything possible to hide this ugly part of them. But then, there is only so long a man can keep up with the act. He knows if you date him long enough, you will definitely figure out who he truly is so he's rushing things so you won't get the chance. An aggressive man gets provoked at the slightest mistake and it's hard for them to hide their temper. He can turn you into a punching bag after finally succeeding in luring you into the marriage. The more reason you should date a man long enough to learn him well. 9. He May be a Narcissist: One thing with narcissists is that they believe they should always have their way and you can never turn them down. You might be dealing with a man who is swallowed up in his own ego that he thinks you should be his without any hesitation simply because he wants you. He probably doesn't think your opinion matters as far as he has made his choice. He expects you to say yes to his proposal and right now he is probably devastated by your hesitation. You don't want to deal with a narcissist in marriage. They will always come presenting themselves as the best thing there is ever to be found, but at the end of the day any union with them always ends in a broken marriage. 10. He Might be a Master Manipulator: If you notice that your new boyfriend is doing everything he can to separate you from the world then you have to be extremely careful about him. He could be a control freak trying to manipulate you into thinking your happiness in life depends solely on him. Such men start by separating you from your family and anybody that cares about you. They do this by poisoning your mind against every other person and manipulating you into thinking they are the only ones with your best interest at heart. Meanwhile, the goal is to ensure you have no one else to run to so that they could have total control over your life and treat you as they want. Be very cautious not to fall into the hands of such a person. He will surely make life hell for you. Control freaks are usually loners and don't like associating with other people. Beware once you notice your new boyfriend gradually drawing you out from society. Conclusion The answer to the question "Why does he want to marry me fast?" Has two sides to it. There could be a positive reason why your new boyfriend is in a hurry to get married to you, but there are also chances of it being a negative reason. The best solution to this confusion is to give yourself time. You don't have to rush into marriage when you are not ready just because your partner is ready. In the same way, you don't have to rush into marriage with someone you don't have clearance about just because he is in a hurry. You deserve to take enough time to think about it. Besides, a man who truly loves you won't have any problem with waiting for you to get ready. Most gentle men will allow you the freedom to think about their proposal and be sure you want it as much as they do not minding their excitement and eagerness to proceed. Marriage is a personal decision that should be made bearing 'forever' in mind. Knowing that it's a lifelong commitment, you will need to take your time before choosing the person you want to go into it with. This blog post must have enlightened you on the possible reason your boyfriend wants to marry you fast, and hopefully you must have gotten your answer on how to go about this situation.
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Posted Sep 30, 2023

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