Zoomforth | Visual / Implementation Designer

Pablo Rodríguez

Visual Designer
Web Designer
UI Designer
Walk clients through your process step-by-step with a digital client portal custom-made for collaboration.
The goal was a design for a digital client portal that is tailor-made to foster collaboration and provide a step-by-step walkthrough of the process for clients.
The design process began by understanding the specific needs of clients and the key processes they'd need to be walked through. We gathered input and feedback from potential users, and based on that, conceptualized a user-centric design. Iterative testing and feedback ensured that the portal was both intuitive and comprehensive, creating a seamless experience for clients. The focus was always on promoting collaboration and transparency throughout.
After the launch of the client portal, clients have reported a clearer understanding of the process, improved collaboration experiences, and a more streamlined and transparent approach to projects.
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