Brand Identity Design: 'blur'

Lei Gonzales

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Creative Director
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
'blur' is a gender non-conforming streetwear brand. Their message is to demolish gender norms in casual clothing, as they vow to 'protect the unexpected'.
For this project, I played around with colors that are intentionally gender coded in American culture: pink and blue. I used this to challenge the structure of gender norms in clothing, highlighting that something as simple as color can be a barrier to self-expression.
This motif is recreated throughout the brand, showing the contrast between what's considered 'male' or 'female'.

Logo Design

Original Prototype of 'blur bot' hand-drawn by me
Original Prototype of 'blur bot' hand-drawn by me
The 'blur-bot' logo was made to be recognizable and playful. They were based on the greek god 'Hermes' who's mercurial. Mercury is a notoriously known gender neutral planet. I referenced Japanese animation style as well.

Moodboard & Direction

Marketing Materials

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