Abdullah Zafar
Al-Quran API
RESTful Quran API with original Arabic text, English Translation, transliteration, Verse Search, Surah Search and Word Search in corpus in plain JSON.
Web Data Extraction
Web-Scraped from al-quran.info
Running in production
Runs on localhost:3000 by default but can be configured using the PORT
environment variable.
Running tests
API Endpoints
/ Responds with JSON including some properties of the Quran. (deprecated)
/:surah Possible values: 1-114 Responds with entire Surah/Chapter of the Quran including all verses in the Surah and some additional information.
/:surah/:verse For a specific Ayah/Verse in a specific Surah along with original Arabic text, translation, transliteration and verse ID
/:surah/:range Get a range (collection) of verses within valid limits of chapters and verse numbers. e.g: /1/1-5
/:surah/:keyword Looks for a given keyword (English) in translation_eng key in the entire Quran and responds with all the verses containing the given keyword in JSON
/corpus/:keyword Looks for a given keyword (English) in translation_eng key in the entire Quran and responds with all the verses containing the given keyword in JSON
Due to the nature of scraping from web, the JSON Quran contains unnecessary information and references which are of no use to me. Feel free to edit and remove those :)