Blog Writing & Launch: The Contrarian

Leslie Gonzales

Blog Writer
Creative Director
Google Docs

I led the conception, launch, and content strategy for The Contrarian, the first-ever official blog of Contra (yes, the platform you’re on right now)! Check it out here:

Blog posts were written or edited by me during my time as Contra’s in-house Lead Content Strategist. The content consisted of a healthy mix of product tutorials / how-to’s, educational content for clients (e.g. hiring a freelancer) and independents (e.g. starting & running your own business), and topics Contra is a thought leader in, such as remote work.

Blogs were SEO-optimized, written in Contra’s brand voice, and simplified to resonate with Contra’s global audience.

The name “The Contrarian” not only includes the brand’s name (Contra) for awareness / association, but is also a nod to Contra’s community of freelancers / independents — people who are doing things differently from popular opinion (in this case, the traditional 9-5 career path).


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